4 Essential Ingredients of Reformed Preaching
Letting God Speak
The vision for reformed preaching is to bring a comprehensive worldview of what Scripture is presenting in terms of truth. What reformed preaching does is it aims to take all of the Bible into account and it aims to apply that in several different ways.
Reformed preaching ministers to the whole man. It’s comprehensive, biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical.
First of all, it’s thoroughly biblical. It’s not what man says that counts; it’s what God says
that counts. So, in reformed preaching you’re repeating and expounding on what God says in his word.
Secondly, it’s doctrinal. Good reformed preaching always teaches doctrine. It’s always instructing the mind.
Reformed Preaching
Joel R. Beeke
This robust treatment of Reformed experiential preaching by experienced pastor and professor Joel Beeke explores what experiential preaching is, examines sermons by key preachers in history, and shows how experiential preaching can best be done today.
Getting Practical
Thirdly, good reformed preaching is always experiential. As it reaches the heart, it ministers not only to the mind but the heart, the hands, and the feet—which is the fourth aspect of reformed preaching: that it’s practical.
So you walk away from a sermon saying This is what I have to do, this is how my life has to
change, or this is the resolution. Reformed preaching ministers to the whole man. It’s comprehensive, biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical.
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