7 Tips for Loving “Those” People in Your Church
What do you do with “those” people in your church—the ones who drive you crazy? If love at church were easy, how would that testify to the power of his saving work in our lives?
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7 Tips for Loving “Those” People in Your Church
What do you do with “those” people in your church—the ones who drive you crazy? If love at church were easy, how would that testify to the power of his saving work in our lives?
Help! People at Church Are Driving Me Crazy
Who isn’t discouraged by conflict at church? After all, church should be as close as we get to heaven on earth, right?
Building a Culture of Spiritually Intentional Relationships
Most Active Does Not Equal Most Fruitful Could it be that the most active members of your congregation are the least fruitful? Consider for a moment: in God’s sight, not all activity carries equal value. …
Tithing in Financially Tight Times
Giving out of scarcity declares in an especially profound way that God is better than money.
How Can I Love People Even When They’re Wrong?
Paul told us in Romans 12:9 to “abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” But what happens when we disagree on what’s “evil” and what’s “good?”
How to Love People Who Feel Impossible to Love
Easy love rarely shows off gospel power. But love that stretches beyond what’s possible is a stage, set to display the glory of God.
3 Ways We Prevent the Gospel from Making Our Churches Attractive
The gospel brings people with nothing in common to love each other even more deeply than family.
What If Your Church Were Filled with People Just like You?
When we love in ways that we can only love by the power of God’s Spirit, we show him to be sufficient. We show him to be good and glorious.
Why a Consumer Mentality Doesn’t Work at Church
Particularly as Western Christians, we need to understand that we’ve been steeped in consumerism our entire lives. It is all through our hearts. One way we see that is in how we think about church.
Building Friendships with Those Different from You Is Hard . . . but Worth It
The people at your church with whom you share very little in common other than Christ have the potential to be your deepest friendships.