Christ in All of Scripture – Judges 2:16-19

The Lord provides judges and saviors. These key verses equate Israel’s idolatry with spiritual whoredom (v. 17). Throughout Judges, a persistent cycle of sin, subjugation, and supplication is met with the Lord’s unfailing provision of salvation. Mercy keeps following failure.
Astonishingly, God’s compassion for his people extends deeper than the failure of his people even when those failures are self-inflicted. The ultimate Judge and Savior, Jesus (Matt. 1:21), represents this grace in its ultimate form, interrupting the ongoing cycle of sin in the lives of his people throughout time and throughout the world. There is no sin, no failure, and no act of unfaithfulness that is beyond the reach of Christ’s redemptive love. Having received from God such undeserved assurances of forgiveness and reconciliation, we are now called to respond with wholehearted obedience to him and to extend his grace to others (2 Cor. 5:18–21).
This series of posts pairs a brief passage of Scripture with associated study notes drawn from the Gospel Transformation Bible. For more information about the_ Gospel Transformation Bible, please visit