Emblems of the Infinite King: An 8-Day Reading Plan

This article is part of the ESV.org Reading Plans series.
Foundational Doctrine
Understanding the key facets of Christian doctrine (God, humanity, sin, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and last things) can help ground Christians young and old in biblical truth and provide a framework of important answers to big questions about ourselves, God, and the gospel.
An 8-Day Reading Plan
Over the course of eight days, explore each of these foundational doctrines as you follow along on a journey through Scripture adapted from Emblems of the Infinite King: Enter the Knowledge of the Living God by J. Ryan Lister.
To start the devotional via your browser or as a daily email, simply visit esv.org.
Emblems of the Infinite King
J. Ryan Lister
Emblems of the Infinite King seeks to introduce young readers to the beauty of God’s Word using the categories of systematic theology in bright, creative, and innovative ways. Written for kids ages 10+.
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