Women in Crisis and the Gift of God’s Word

Winning Hearts and Minds with God's Word
As publisher of the ESV Bible, Crossway partners with frontline ministries around the globe engaged in the work of the gospel on a daily basis. From time-to-time, we receive reports from ministries about how God is using his Word to turn hearts and minds to him. Recently, we received one such story.
As we have been reminded in recent months, women who are facing the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy must make a life or death decision. Crisis pregnancy centers around the nation are serving these women and families through the ministry of God’s Word and the hope of the gospel.
Serving Women in Crisis
One such ministry is the East End Pregnancy Center based in Richmond, Virginia. Recently, the addition of two Spanish-speaking volunteer counselors expanded the capacity of the center, enabling it to minister to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of Spanish-speaking families. Sadly, they lacked Spanish and English Bibles to give to these families. Crossway was privileged to partner with the East End Pregnancy Center to provide clients with free Bibles and tracts, and we’re thrilled to report that the impact of God’s Word has been tremendous.
One client, while considering an abortion, read stories of all of the unplanned pregnancies in the Bible with the help of a counselor. Today, this mother is making future plans for her baby.
Another couple had been told that their baby would likely have special needs, and were advised by their doctor and the public health department to have an abortion. Rather than going to a government-funded abortion clinic, they chose to visit the East End Pregnancy Center. Here, they were reminded of God’s sovereign plan and foreknowledge of their baby, and that the baby had been “fearfully and wonderfully made.” They left the center not only with the hope of God’s Word, but also with items for their nursery.
Please Pray with Us
Please join us in prayer for the many partners of Crossway who are serving on the frontlines of ministry. Pray that God would continue to provide open doors and bless the reading and study of his Word. Pray for women facing unplanned pregnancies everywhere, that God would bring many to their side to provide the love, care, and support needed in their time of crisis. Finally, please pray for the children of such women—born and unborn—that God, in his mercy, would preserve, protect, and sustain their lives.