Format: | Cloth Over Board |
Type Size: | 9.00 |
Page Layout: | Single Column |
Page Count: | 2,032 |
Size: | 5.375 in x 8.625 in |
Weight: | 39.25 ounces |
ISBN-10: | 1-4335-6871-3 |
ISBN-13: | 978-1-4335-6871-8 |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433568718 |
Case Quantity: | 10 |
Published: | March 31, 2020 |
ESV Literary Study Bible
Cloth over Board
In order to understand the content of the Bible, readers first need to understand how the content is expressed. The literary forms and features of the Bible are a crucial part of understanding the Bible’s message—both for its original audience and for readers today. Compared to conventional study Bibles that answer the what of a passage, the ESV Literary Study Bible guides readers through the Bible text, showing how to read the passage. Combining over 1,200 insightful notes with the complete ESV Bible text, this volume highlights literary features such as genre, images, plot, setting, stylistic and rhetorical techniques, and artistry so readers can more richly understand the unity, flow, and profound depth of the biblical text. First published in 2007, the ESV Literary Study Bible has been refreshed with an all-new typesetting while retaining all the same content that helps readers discover and teach the message of the Bible embodied in its literary forms and features.
Product Details
“Anytime a new study Bible is published in any translation, I will immediately spend a few months using it in my morning and evening quiet times just to get the feel of it. When I started using the ESV Literary Study Bible, I immediately noticed so many wonderful features that I really loved. First, it focuses on complete passages, not single verses. That makes it much easier to see the larger picture. Second, the comments are all given before you read the passage, rather than interrupting your reading of each verse with footnotes. Brilliant! This allows the reader to prepare to hear God through the literary style that he chose to use to communicate his truth. We cannot accurately understand the intended message of a text without understanding the form of that text! Otherwise, we are likely to miss the entire point of the passage. Both the words and the literary form were directed by God, yet no other study Bible explains this essential factor. The ESV Literary Study Bible stands in a class by itself. It won’t surprise me if it becomes the book of this new decade. Well done, Crossway.”
Rick Warren, Pastor, Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California
“In an age when the phrase ‘Bible as literature’ is too often used as a cover for the ‘demythologizing’ of Scripture, the ESV Literary Study Bible reminds believers that we can only understand the Bible fully and on its own terms when we pay careful attention to the various genres it employs to convey the eternal truths of God. Highly recommended!”
Louis Markos, Professor in English and Scholar in Residence, Houston Christian University; author, The Myth Made Fact
“I well remember the one class my public high school offered on the Bible—the Bible as literature. In my mind, to study the Bible ‘as literature’ meant reading it merely as literature, robbing it of its divine inspiration and authority. But I realize now that to understand the Bible rightly, we must approach each of its sixty-six books with respect for the literary form in which its divine message is delivered. We simply cannot read a book of wisdom sayings, such as Proverbs, in the same way we read the poetry of Song of Solomon, the historical narrative of the Gospels, or the apocalyptic visions of Revelation. The ESV Literary Study Bible keeps us from a flat approach to the various types of writing in the Bible, handing us the tools we need at every turn to better grasp the message the divine author intends for us to take away from the text.”
Nancy Guthrie, author; Bible teacher
“The ESV Literary Study Bible is a treasure trove of observation and analysis regarding how the form of Scripture’s passages and accounts affects our understanding and application of the written content. I welcome this repackaging of an already classic volume that makes it even more accessible and helpful for accurate and insightful Bible exposition.”
Bryan Chapell, Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church in America
“People often talk about the importance of reading the Bible but less so about how to read the Bible. And while unlimited resources seem to be available to help Bible readers along the lines of a historical-grammatical method, it is the ESV Literary Study Bible that continues to be the best, and nearly singular, resource to encourage us along literary lines. Preachers of the Bible must know that God’s word comes to us in a variety of literary forms—and that this work will help shape their reading and preparation.”
David R. Helm, Senior Pastor, Christ Church Chicago; Chairman, The Charles Simeon Trust
“That the Bible is inspired means that its imagery, structure, characterizations, and style are also inspired. When we overlook the literary dimensions of the Bible, we miss its full meaning and its aesthetic power. In the ESV Literary Study Bible, Leland Ryken, one of our best Christian literary scholars, guides us through the Scriptures, unobtrusively helping us to appreciate what we are reading, pointing out the qualities and forms that make the Bible the greatest of all books.”
Gene Edward Veith Jr., author, Loving God with All Your Mind and Post-Christian
“The ESV Literary Study Bible focuses readers’ attention on the generally unrecognized and underappreciated literary aspects of the Bible that are so crucial to a fuller understanding of the Scriptures. Those who read through this study Bible will gain a valuable perspective that will deepen their understanding of not only the Bible’s literary characteristics but also, in turn, the Bible’s overall story and its theology. This Bible’s glossary of literary terms and genres will prove extremely helpful for readers’ understanding of the Bible and of literature in general.”
David V. Urban, Professor of English, Calvin University; author, Milton and the Parables of Jesus
“The ESV Literary Study Bible offers fresh and fruitful paths for exploring what God has given us in the Scriptures. Many of us are accustomed to reading the Bible as a window to history and as a resource for answering theological questions. Yet, in the first place, the Bible is a collection of divinely inspired literary works. This study Bible gives indispensable insights into the literary designs and purposes of every book in the Bible. It will deeply enrich your experience of learning and living the Scriptures.”
Richard L. Pratt Jr., President, Third Millennium Ministries