Format: | Ebook |
Page Count: | 128 |
Size: | 5.25 in x 8.0 in |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433571695 |
ePub ISBN: | 978-1-4335-7169-5 |
PDF ISBN: | 978-1-4335-7167-1 |
Mobipocket ISBN: | 978-1-4335-7168-8 |
Published: | March 16, 2021 |
Written by Rebecca McLaughlin, Author of Confronting Christianity
In a world of increasing ideological diversity, kids are being challenged to think through their own beliefs at an early age. Questions like How can you believe the Bible is true?; Why can’t we just agree that love is love?; and Isn’t Christianity against diversity? can seem like roadblocks for kids who are following Jesus, as well as for those who might otherwise consider faith in Christ. In this helpful book—written both for Christian kids and for those who think Jesus is just a fairy tale character—Rebecca McLaughlin invites readers ages 12–15 to dig deep into hard questions for themselves and perhaps discover that the things that once looked like roadblocks to faith might actually be signposts.
Product Details
“This is a really clear, compelling, understanding, and engaging response to the biggest objections people have to Christianity today. Read it, wrestle with it, and see what your friends make of it.”
Sam Allberry, Associate Pastor, Immanuel Nashville, Tennessee; author, One with My Lord
“Rebecca McLaughlin doesn’t shy away from difficult conversations about heaven, hell, sexuality, and racism but handles them with gentleness, humility, and a refreshing humor that preteens and young teens will appreciate. Best of all, she presents the gospel so clearly and beautifully. I’m thankful for this winsome resource that I can recommend to young Christians and non-Christians alike.”
Quina Aragon, author, Love Made; Love Gave; and Love Can
“Young people might not always articulate their questions about life. But they are wondering. 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity can help them both express and satisfy their emerging questions and longings. We wish we’d had this book when we were raising our children! But now we can give it away—confidently—starting with our own grandchildren.”
Ray and Jani Ortlund, President and Executive Vice President, Renewal Ministries
“10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity is the book every parent, teacher, youth worker, and young person has been waiting for. In her down-to-earth, relatable, winsome, and brilliant manner, Rebecca McLaughlin tackles the major questions confronting this generation, showing that Jesus is still the answer to our greatest needs and longings. If we don’t want to lose a generation, we must have the courage to wrestle with hard questions and show that Christianity is relevant in our rapidly changing world.”
Christine Caine, Founder, A21 and Propel Women
“Our world is complex. Growing up today and having to confront that complexity is not easy. In this short book, McLaughlin helps young people confront, understand, and interpret the complexity of our world in continual dialogue with the central claims of the Christian faith. Readers will have their minds challenged and illuminated; by struggling through these issues, they will be brought closer to the truth.”
Tyler J. VanderWeele, John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology, Harvard University
“As a father of five, I was so excited to know about this book. My excitement only grew as I read the truths Rebecca McLaughlin engages in such an accessible manner—many references to Harry Potter and Disney films! Most of all, I was excited to have a theologically rich book that deals with challenging questions that I could place in the hands of my children. This is such an important tool to disciple the next generation!”
John Perritt, Director of Resources, Reformed Youth Ministries; author, Social Media Pressure: Finding Peace Alongside Jesus