Category: |
Culture & Social Issues Commentaries & Reference |
Format: | Printed Caseside |
Page Count: | 1296 |
Size: | 7.375 in x 9.25 in |
Weight: | 67.96 ounces |
ISBN-10: | 1-4335-4965-4 |
ISBN-13: | 978-1-4335-4965-6 |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433549656 |
Case Quantity: | 8 |
Published: | July 31, 2018 |
What does the Bible teach about how to live in today’s world?
Bestselling author and professor Wayne Grudem distills over forty years of teaching experience into a single volume aimed at helping readers apply a biblical worldview to difficult ethical issues, including wealth and poverty, marriage and divorce, birth control, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, business practices, environmental stewardship, telling the truth, knowing God’s will, understanding Old Testament laws, and more.
Product Details
Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction
1. Introduction to Christian Ethics
2. The Ultimate Basis for Ethics: The Moral Character of God
3. Our Source of Ethical Standards: The Bible
4. The Goal of Ethics: Living for the Glory of God
5. The Joys and Blessings of Obedience to God and the Harmful Consequences of Sin
6. How to Know God’s Will: Factors to Consider in Making Ethical Decisions
7. Christians Will Never Have to Choose the “Lesser Sin”
8. How Should Christians Use the Old Testament for Ethical Guidance?
Part 2: Protecting God's Honor
“You shall have no other gods before me.”
9. No Other Gods
10. No Carved Images
11. Purity of Speech
12. Lying and Telling the Truth
13. The Sabbath Commandment
Part 3: Protecting Human Authority
“Honor your father and your mother.”
14. Authority of Parents
15. Equality and Leadership in Marriage
16. Civil Government
17. Other Authorities
Part 4: Protecting Human Life
“You shall not murder.”
18. Capital Punishment
19. War
20. Self-Defense
21. Abortion
22. Euthanasia
23. Suicide
24. Aging and Death
25. Racial Discrimination
26. Health
27. Alcohol and Drugs
Part 5: Protecting Marriage
“You shall not commit adultery.”
28. Marriage
29. Birth Control
30. Infertility, Reproductive Technology, and Adoption
31. Pornography
32. Divorce and Remarriage
33. Homosexuality and Transgenderism
Part 6: Protecting Property
“You shall not steal.”
34. Property: The Goodness and Necessity of Private Ownership of Property
35. Work, Rest, Vacations, and Retirement
36. Increasing Prosperity: Is More Prosperity a Good Thing?
37. Poverty and Wealth
38. Personal Financial Stewardship
39. Borrowing, Lending, and the Question of Debt
40. Business Ethics
41. Stewardship of the Environment
Part 7: Protecting Purity of Heart
“You shall not covet.”
42. Purity of Heart
Appendix A: Should We Move Beyond the New Testament to a Better Ethic? An Analysis of William J. Webb's Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: Exploring the Hermeneutics of Cultural Analysis
Appendix B: Scripture Versions Cited
Name Index
Hymn Index
Scripture Index
Subject Index
“Insightful, encyclopedic, biblical, and distinctively evangelical, this new book from Wayne Grudem is a massive contribution to Christian ethics. It will stand as one of the most important and definitive works of this generation. Readers should engage it chapter by chapter, and then keep it close at hand for continuing consultation.”
R. Albert Mohler Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Wayne Grudem and I have always been on the same page, both in theology and in theological method. Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning has all the excellent features of his Systematic Theology: biblical fidelity, comprehensiveness, clarity, practical application, and interaction with other writers. His exhortations drive the reader to worship the triune God. I hope the book gets the wide distribution and enthusiastic response that it deserves.”
John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary
“This work by Wayne Grudem is the best text yet composed in biblical Christian ethics, and I mean that in several ways. It is more comprehensive, more insightful, and more applicable than any comparable work, and is sure to be a classroom classic. But what I like most is how Grudem unites a scholar’s mind with a disciple’s heart more committed to pleasing Christ than contemporaries and more zealous for strengthening the church than impressing the world.”
Daniel R. Heimbach, Former Senior Professor of Christian Ethics, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Wayne Grudem has a rare gift in making complex theological and ethical concepts accessible. He also has encyclopedic knowledge and an organized, analytical mind. All this is fully evident in this important book, which provides an invaluable resource to both scholars and practitioners.”
Peter S. Heslam, Senior Fellow, University of Cambridge; Director, Faith in Business, Cambridge
“Wayne Grudem is a master at cutting into meaty intellectual topics, seasoning them, and serving them up in flavorful, bite-sized morsels for the ordinary person to savor and digest. Don’t let the size of this book deter you! This rich feast will help you figure out what the Bible says about how to live today. Dig in. Taste the wisdom that is sweeter than honey. Eat from the bread that will bring health to your spirit and life to your bones.”
Mary A. Kassian, author, Growing Grateful
“So much in the field of ethics today merely describes the issues and the alternatives. The very idea that there is a ‘right’ answer to anything is anathema. In such a stagnant climate, Wayne Grudem’s Christian Ethics is a breath of fresh air. It demonstrates how the Bible provides specific answers to particular questions. However, this is not merely a compendium of his personal views on issues. Where his views are at odds with other views, even within evangelical Christianity, he explains those alternatives to his readers and invites comparison. Readers are challenged to think and are given the material they need to do so in a God-honoring way. We are in Grudem’s debt for this massive labor of love.”
John F. Kilner, Professor Emeritus of Bioethics and Contemporary Culture, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Wayne Grudem has done it again. His Systematic Theology has equipped countless Christians, churches, and pastors in the truth of God’s Word in a clear, accessible, and faithful manner. Now his Christian Ethics promises to do the same in helping us apply God’s Word to our lives. In a time when obedience is often minimized in the name of grace, this book equips us to delight in God’s will for our lives in response to grace.”
C. J. Mahaney, Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church, Louisville, Kentucky
“Through this encyclopedic treatment of applied ethics, Wayne Grudem shows how his method of whole-Bible hermeneutics can help Christians sort through the thorny ethical issues of the day. From the beginning of life to the end of life, and everywhere in between, Grudem demonstrates what faithfulness looks like in a God-centered, Scripture-centered life. Read with an open Bible and an open heart.”
C. Ben Mitchell, author, Ethics and Moral Reasoning: A Student’s Guide
“This is the best all-around book on Christian ethics I'm aware of, and I plan to require it as the primary textbook for my course on biblical ethics. Grudem writes in his characteristic style: clear, logical, accessible, and (usually!) persuasive.”
Andrew David Naselli, Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament, Bethlehem College and Seminary; Pastor, the North Church, Mounds View, Minnesota
“This nearly exhaustive treatment of Christian ethics is destined to become the standard evangelical text for many years to come. It is wide-ranging, thoughtful, and unafraid to engage with controversial issues and with those who take a different approach. Regardless of whether one can side with Grudem on each topic, all of us can benefit immensely from his lucid presentation. There is hardly an ethical issue he doesn’t address, and I will be consulting his work regularly for wisdom and guidance on a variety of matters that the church faces in a morally decadent and confused world. Highly recommended!”
Sam Storms, Founder and President, Enjoying God Ministries
"In a time when obedience is often minimized in the name of grace, this book equips us to delight in God’s will for our lives in response to grace.”
Senior Pastor, Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville