Education: A Student's Guide (Ebook)

By Ted Newell, Series edited by David S. Dockery

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Education: A Student's Guide (Ebook)

By Ted Newell, Series edited by David S. Dockery

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Education has the power to shape culture through the passing on of traditions, narratives, and values across generations.

Profiling five distinct paradigms of education through different eras in history, this book casts a vision for a renewal of Christian education—essential for bringing hope to our postmodern world. Understanding the role of education in the reformation of societies will enable churches, families, and schools to reclaim their task for the spread of the gospel in our world today.


Ted Newell

Ted Newell (EdD, Columbia University; MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary) is associate professor of education at Crandall University. He previously developed a business curriculum for vocational schools with the Papua New Guinea Department of Education and has taught adults and children in churches. He is the author of two books on education and theology.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 128
Size: 5.25 in x 7.75 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433554964
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-5496-4
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-5494-0
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-5495-7
Published: January 31, 2019


“This brief guide to the history of education is a valuable resource for those who wish to think about what education is, what it should be, and what it possibly could be. History helps to cure our myopia and enlarge our vision. Newell does a great job of presenting a broad picture of what education has been in various cultural settings in the past. Anyone interested in thinking Christianly about education would benefit from this small but wide-ranging treatment.”
Craig A. Carter, Professor of Theology, Tyndale University; author, Contemplating God with the Great Tradition

“In Education, Newell offers his readers a compact and readable history of Christians’ involvement in education. He traces both the continuities and the shifts from the time of Christ to the present. I recommend this volume for anyone wanting a clear and accessible telling of a complex story.”
Ken Badley, Professor by Special Appointment, Tyndale University College & Seminary, Toronto, Ontario; author, Educational Foundations in Canada and Faith and Learning

“Get ready for a whirlwind tour through over twenty centuries of education in the Christian tradition! Newell highlights educational efforts, both formal and informal, and explores how changes in society impacted the growth, decline, and change in educational efforts by the church and society. In light of the past, Newell explores issues for the ‘next’ Christian education. A helpful orientation that will prompt needed reflection for our times.”
Kevin E. Lawson, Professor of Educational Leadership, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; editor, Infants and Children in the Church; author, Supervising and Supporting Ministry Staff and Associate Staff Ministry

“How does one make sense of two millennia of education? Ted Newell does it effectively by exploring education as the process of learning a culture, guided by an animating story and vision of what really matters in life. Outlining five major historical paradigms, Newell provides a helpful map to guide readers through a complex terrain. In the process, he provides a compelling case for a renewed Christian education that challenges the flood of competing educational stories whose visions and values are not shaped by the gospel.”
Harry Fernhout, President Emeritus, The King’s University, Edmonton

“Ted Newell brings the reader on an exhilarating ride through history, tracing how the theory and practice of education has shaped, and been shaped, by both culture and Christian theology. He engages a wide breadth of literature as he seeks to make sense of the interplay and development of educational theory and practice with changing historical contexts. This small book introduces students to the world of education as it is experienced today and casts a vision of how Christians can and must be shaped by education in this post-Christian world. I highly recommend this book, not only for students, but for all Christians who work in the various fields of education. Newell offers a vision that is both realistic and hopeful with sound theological grounding and insightful cultural analysis.”
Perry G. Downs, Professor Emeritus of Educational Ministries, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

“A future Christian revival may depend on the development of a Christian alternative to our current mode of education, which has surrendered to liberal, managerialist, and technocratic ideology. A Christian alternative can potentially exercise mass appeal and therefore prove the most effective instrument of mission for the future. Ted Newell has produced an immensely useful handbook for this task. I thoroughly recommend it.”
John Milbank, Professor Emeritus, University of Nottingham