Faith. Hope. Love.: The Christ-Centered Way to Grow in Grace (Ebook)

By Mark Jones

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Faith. Hope. Love.: The Christ-Centered Way to Grow in Grace (Ebook)

By Mark Jones

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“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13

Faith, hope, and love—we hear a lot about each on their own, but how are they related? Why is this triad mentioned so often in the New Testament?

Written in the form of fifty-eight questions and answers, this book reveals how these three theological virtues—also referred to as “three divine sisters”—together serve as the foundation for our whole Christian life. Deeply scriptural, steeped in key theological texts, and modeled after the classic catechisms of church history, this book will instruct our minds, stir our hearts, and motivate us to faith-filled obedience.


Mark Jones

Mark Jones (PhD, Leiden Universiteit) serves as the pastor of Faith Vancouver Presbyterian Church (PCA) in British Columbia, Canada. He has authored many books, including Living for God and God Is, and speaks all over the world on Christology and the Christian life. Mark and his wife, Barbara, have four children.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 288
Size: 5.25 in x 8.0 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433555695
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-5569-5
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-5567-1
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-5568-8
Published: October 31, 2017


“Pastor Mark Jones has written an admirable treatise on the heart of biblical ethics: the virtues of faith, hope, and love. His book is based firmly on Scripture, and he has arranged it as a catechism: questions, answers, and commentary. He also digs deep into classic theological expositions, especially among the Puritans. This arrangement, clearly and vividly written, enables readers not only to understand these teachings, but to internalize them, and thus to grow in grace. This book will be a great help to individual and family devotions and to adult Bible study groups. I hope that many will have the opportunity to read it to the glory of God in Christ.”
John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary

“Much writing on Christian spirituality is hollow, bereft of theological heft and awash in baptized therapeuticism. By contrast, Faith. Hope. Love. is weightily Puritanesque in the best sense—offering clear, Christ-centered, scriptural ballast for the Christian life. Rooted richly in the Reformed tradition, Jones walks us through the theological virtues and the shape they give to our life in Christ. More importantly, in each chapter he points us to the Christ in whom we place our faith—the one we imitate in love and for whom we wait in hope. I highly commend this work.”
Derek Rishmawy, blogger, Reformedish; cohost, Mere Fidelity podcast

“The old paths are the way into the future. Mark Jones knows this is true for the life and witness of the church of Jesus Christ. He takes us back to the medieval theological virtues, organizes them in a reformational catechism, and uses post-Reformation, orthodox theological distinctions, all to instruct our minds, enflame our hearts, and move us to service. This is as clear as it gets when it comes to the doctrine of justification by faith alone and all that it means for living out a life of faith, hope, and love.”
Daniel R. Hyde, Pastor, Oceanside United Reformed Church, Carlsbad/Oceanside, California; Adjunct Instructor of Ministerial Studies, Mid-America Reformed Seminary; author, Welcome to a Reformed Church

“The questions we ask can be just as important as the answers. Well-meaning Christians often harmfully express the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love in sentimental tropes devoid of substance. I will be recommending Mark’s excellent book for many to use devotionally. Its catechismal format has provided a superb corrective, moving us to delight in Christ-centered faith, hope, and love, and what they require of us in response.”
Aimee Byrd, author, Theological Fitness and No Little Women

“In this useful work, Jones clearly and practically guides the reader into the virtues of the body of Christ. The book is laid out in catechetical format, which Jones employs with great dexterity. The questions are those that the fides quaerens intellectum (‘faith seeking understanding’) of any believer naturally poses to itself, and the definitions that follow by way of response are elegant and comprehensive. The expositions of the answers are doctrinally profound but expressed very simply and memorably. Steeped in the wisdom of the doctors and the great Puritan guides of the heart, Faith. Hope. Love. is a much-needed map of the path of the Christian’s walk with God.”
Peter Escalante, Fellow of Rhetoric, New St. Andrew’s College

“Mark Jones puts to rest the lie that scholasticism is arid and boring. In a rich display of biblical text, respect for the past, and pastoral sensitivity, Faith. Hope. Love. gives to the church a summary of biblical virtue to help us live our theology in honor of a Savior who loves us so faithfully. This is a worthy addition to Jones’s other works that have made the best of the Great Tradition accessible and enjoyable for a wide Christian audience.”
Ian Hugh Clary, Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, Colorado Christian University; coeditor, Pentecostal Outpourings: Revival and the Reformed Tradition; Senior Fellow, Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies