Now That I'm a Christian: What It Means to Follow Jesus (Ebook)

By C. Michael Patton

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Now That I'm a Christian: What It Means to Follow Jesus (Ebook)

By C. Michael Patton

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How do we help our friends who have just become Christians or are young in the faith? In this concise and accessible book, Mike Patton unpacks the basics of the Christian faith, helping new believers think rightly about God and live fully for God as they begin their new life in Christ. In ten easy-to-read chapters, Patton introduces readers to the foundational teachings and life-giving practices of Christianity—from the doctrine of the Trinity to reading and understanding the Bible. Designed for individual use or small group discussion, this handbook on the Christian faith has the potential to become the go-to guide for new believers wanting to follow Jesus with their heads and their hands.

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C. Michael Patton

C. Michael Patton (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary) is president of Reclaiming the Mind Ministries. In addition to serving under Chuck Swindoll for six years at Stonebriar Community Church, he is a fellow at the Credo House of Theology in Edmond, Oklahoma, developer of The Theology Program, and host of the popular podcast Theology Unplugged. Patton and his wife have four children.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 176
Size: 5.25 in x 7.75 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433538070
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-3807-0
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-3806-3
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-3805-6
Published: February 28, 2014


“I wish this book was out when I first became a Christian! What we believe really matters, and this book covers many basic and necessary beliefs of the Christian faith in an easy-to-read format. It’s like sitting in a theology class, but one that brings life and you can understand what the teacher is teaching. There has been no more urgent time in history for us to be reading and learning the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. I encourage all Christians, especially those new to the faith, to not miss the joy and wonder of learning what is written in this book.”
Dan Kimball, Pastor, Vintage Faith Church; author, They Like Jesus but Not the Church

“As a pastor I’m often confronted by new Christians with questions such as“ How do I get started? What should I read? How do I grow spiritually? Although I haven’t had good answers in the past, I do now. I’m sending them to Michael Patton’s excellent book. This is a gem! Eminently readable and experientially relevant, this is a book that addresses with brutal, but always loving, honesty the most pressing theological issues a new believer faces. In fact, you who are a bit older in the faith can also benefit from Michael’s insights. Highly recommended for Christians of all ages!”
Sam Storms, Founder and President, Enjoying God Ministries

“If you want to grow in your faith as a new Christian, or if you just need to get back to the long-neglected basics, Michael Patton will prove to be a wise guide. Now That I’m a Christian is not only practical and easy to follow; it is biblically balanced and theologically informed. What a ready resource to help churches, campus ministries, and individual spiritual mentors to train new believers in the faith!”
Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University; coauthor, An Introduction to Biblical Ethics

“Rolled into this one volume is a guide to both right belief and right practice. Believers need a solid foundation that maps out the essentials for the Christian faith, as well as how to grow stronger and deeper in that faith. This work addresses both. Written in an introductory manner that is well-informed, witty, and fast-paced, readers will feel at home in the text even if they have not studied these things before. I recommend it with pleasure.”
Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy, Liberty University