On the Grace of God (Ebook)

By Justin S. Holcomb

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On the Grace of God (Ebook)

By Justin S. Holcomb

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Why is grace such a big deal? What does God tell us about it in Scripture? Can radical grace really be true? If so, what are the implications for our lives? This book will answer these questions and more as we explore the all-important theme of God’s gratuitous grace throughout the Bible. Packed with big truth, this little book on grace can be read in roughly one hour—ensuring you’ll actually read it.

A Book You’ll Actually Read Series

Part of the Re:Lit line, these inexpensive and accessible books give clear, biblical answers to difficult theological questions and controversies. Through this series, readers will get a solid and simple introduction to biblical concepts by investing just a little time.


Justin S. Holcomb

Justin S. Holcomb (PhD, Emory University) is an Episcopal priest and teaches theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando. He has written or edited more than twenty books on abuse, theology, and biblical studies. Justin and his wife, Lindsey, live in Orlando, Florida, with their two daughters.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 128
Size: 5.0 in x 7.0 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433536427
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-3642-7
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-3640-3
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-3641-0
Published: April 30, 2013


“God’s amazing grace in Christ is ‘the power of God unto salvation,’ not only for the world but for the church and for life-long believers. Read this book and you’ll be washed with ‘wave upon wave’ of the best news you’ll ever hear.”
Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California

“What is the Bible really all about? On the Grace of God gets right to the point—grace, and more grace, for the undeserving. From cover to cover, this is the great message of the Bible, and Justin Holcomb proves it. If you are ready to believe the unbelievable, read this book. It will change you.”
Ray Ortlund, Pastor to Pastors, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee

On the Grace of God is a liberating study on something we can never get enough of—the startling and magnificent grace of God. In Jesus, John tells us, we have been given ‘grace upon grace.’ This book helps pour that grace upon grace on the heart of the reader, filling it with hope and joy in believing.”
Sally Lloyd-Jones, author, The Jesus Story-Book Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name

“Amidst all the world religions and belief systems, grace is what makes Jesus followers different. There’s nothing that can stop a heart that’s been overwhelmed by grace. This book is a must read!”
Jefferson Bethke, author, Jesus>Religion

“The message of this book should never get old. Sinners saved by such astonishing grace will marvel for a lifetime that they've been rescued by such a God. More than that, we will marvel for all eternity at the personal manifestation of grace in the face of Christ Jesus. Go ahead now, sit yourself down with this book, get ready for heaven, and make yourself of more earthly good by meditating on the mind-stretching grace of God in which we are chosen, called, born again, justified, adopted, sanctified, glorified, and ushered into the very relationship with the God-man for which we were made. It is all of grace.”
David Mathis, Senior Teacher and Executive Editor, Desiring God; Pastor, Cities Church, Saint Paul, Minnesota; author, Habits of Grace

“This book offers a clear, concise, and compelling presentation of the grace of God. Many point grace out, and some might test it with their toes, but my friend Justin Holcomb is ever swimming in it, inviting all to join him. This will be now my go-to book recommendation on the subject.”
Dustin Kensrue, singer and guitarist, Thrice

“Justin introduces great theologians to the reader in the same way he would introduce neighbors to one another at a backyard barbeque. Through relaxed conversation, Justin invites the authors of Scripture and great Christian thinkers to sit with the reader in the presence of the touchable and knowable God of grace. Simple but scholarly, On the Grace of God is that book you will want to put into the hands of everyone you know—those who do not yet trust Christ as Savior and those who do.”
Judy Dabler, Reconciliation Specialist and Founder, Live at Peace Ministries; coauthor, Peacemaking Women: Biblical Hope for Resolving Conflict

On the Grace of God right-side-ups the upside-down-ness of our brokenness and broken thinking about God and his love. Since the Bible will not let us have virtuous ideas detached from their embodiment in Jesus—‘God is love,’ ‘he himself is our peace,’ ‘I am the truth’—Justin Holcomb will not offer anything less than the glorious Jesus either. Brilliantly, honestly, and passionately, this book bleeds the gospel.”
Jared C. Wilson, Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Author in Residence, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, The Imperfect Disciple and Love Me Anyway

On the Grace of God is just what we’ve needed: a scripturally rooted and deeply compassionate survey of how God’s uncompromising love for sinners shines through the entire biblical narrative. How Justin Holcomb pulled off such a comprehensive feat in so few pages is a refreshing testament not only to his great learning and wisdom but also to his passion for reaching everyday men and women. Anyone looking to be encouraged by the unchanging and life-saving reality of God’s grace in Jesus Christ should look no further.”
David Zahl, editor, The Mockingbird Blog

“Holcomb brings great understanding of God’s grace and love—a love undeserved and unconditionally given through the only one Christ Jesus. On the Grace of God is an eye-opening, biblically-rooted telling of the love story between God and his people. Where love and grace that are many times misunderstood or misinterpreted, Holcomb sheds light on what God’s true grace looks like.”
Jake Luhrs, lead-singer, August Burns Red

“Paul’s stated mission was ‘to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.’ As twenty-first century believers, that is our mission as well. But in order to do that, we must know God’s grace ourselves. This book is a fresh reminder of how wonderful, matchless, and amazing is the grace of Jesus, a grace that is greater than all our sin. I was blessed in reading it and am sure you will be too.”
Brian Brodersen, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, California

This book will cause you to laugh and dance not because it is a wonderful book (even though it is) but because it’s all true… almost too true to believe. I know of no voice that speaks so clearly about God’s grace than that of Justin Holcomb. Read this book and you will join me in “rising up and calling him blessed” for having written it. And then give it to everybody you know and they will rise up and call you blessed for having done so.
Steve Brown, Host, Key Life radio program; author, Three Free Sins: God Isn't Mad At You