Reformation Anglican Worship: Experiencing Grace, Expressing Gratitude (Ebook)

The Reformation Anglicanism Essential Library, Volume 4

By Michael P. Jensen, Series edited by Ashley Null, John W. Yates III

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Reformation Anglican Worship: Experiencing Grace, Expressing Gratitude (Ebook)

The Reformation Anglicanism Essential Library, Volume 4

By Michael P. Jensen, Series edited by Ashley Null, John W. Yates III

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Uncover the Deep Roots of the Reformation in Anglican Worship

Conceived under the conviction that the future of the global Anglican Communion hinges on a clear, welldefined, and theologically rich vision, the Reformation Anglicanism Essential Library was created to serve as a go-to resource aimed at helping clergy and educated laity grasp the coherence of the Reformation Anglican tradition.

In this addition to the Reformation Anglicanism Essential Library, Anglican scholar Michael P. Jensen showcases how the reading and preaching of the Scriptures, the sacraments, prayer, and singing inform not only Anglican worship, but worship as it is prescribed in the Bible.

Read Chapter 1


Michael P. Jensen

Michael P. Jensen (DPhil, Oxford University) is the rector of St Mark’s Anglican Church in Darling Point, Australia, and previously taught theology and church history at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of nine books, including Sydney Anglicanism and Theological Anthropology and the Great Literary Genres. Michael and his wife, Catherine, have four children.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 224
Size: 5.5 in x 8.5 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433573002
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-7300-2
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-7298-2
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-7299-9
Published: May 18, 2021


“This book will help Anglicans around the world better understand and appreciate our Reformation heritage, its foundations in Holy Scripture, and its relevance for churches today. More than that, it will help us ground our worship, corporate or otherwise, in the gracious gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Andrew Cheah, Dean, St Mary’s Anglican Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Reformation Anglican Worship is one of the most important books written in the last century and should be a prominent feature on every Anglican bookshelf. It abounds with quotable, concise, and meaningful insights that extend from Cyril of Alexandria to J. C. Ryle, giving the reader confidence to unravel the knotty problems that have intimidated many.”
Henry L. Thompson III, Dean, President, and Associate Professor of Liturgical Studies, Trinity School for Ministry

“Liturgical worship has become the focus of much controversy as different provinces of the Anglican Communion have followed divergent paths. This book situates Anglican devotion in Holy Scripture and emphasizes the importance of both preaching and sacramental practice. A clarion call to a renewed way of thinking about these key subjects, it is faithful to the tradition without being hidebound to antiquarianism. Pastors, students, and liturgists will all benefit.”
Gerald BrayResearch Professor, Beeson Divinity School

“This fresh expression of Anglican spirituality roots our lives and our worship in the Scriptures, reminding us that the biblical narrative is preeminent in forming our worshipful and lived responses to God’s grace.”
Todd HunterBishop, The Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others

“Michael Jensen offers a new generation of Anglicans a refreshing opportunity to investigate and appreciate the Book of Common Prayer and its biblical roots. Cranmer’s liturgies enable the grace of the gospel to be heard and gratitude to be expressed with repentance, faith, dedication, service, and praise. Jensen happily combines biblical, theological, historical, and liturgical insights to reveal the ongoing potential of this Reformation standard for edifying churches and promoting God-honoring worship today.”
David Peterson, Emeritus Faculty, Moore Theological College

“A clear understanding of Cranmer’s prayer book—its background, content, meaning, and purpose—is essential if we are to continue in harmony as Anglican Christians. My wish is that every Anglican bishop, clergy, and layperson would read this excellent book.”
John W. Yates II , Founding Pastor, The Falls Church Anglican, Falls Church, Virginia

“Michael Jensen not only gives us the historical and theological understanding of worship but also applies the principles to Anglican worship today. This is an essential book for Anglicans and all who are interested in learning the roots of Reformation Anglican worship.”
Samy Fawzy Shehata, Bishop Coadjutor, Diocese of Egypt

“Jensen emphasizes the priority of grace in Christian worship. Because we experience God’s abundant grace in forgiveness and healing, we can respond to him with gratitude, both personally and corporately. This results in fresh grace received for living the Christian life. The centrality of God’s word, preached and taught, is everywhere in this book, but the author does not neglect the sacraments as channels of grace and means of receiving Christ. Jensen has given us a stimulating book for considering afresh the issues raised during the English Reformation and their impact on corporate worship.”
Michael Nazir-Ali, Director, Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue

“I am thrilled with this clear, concise statement of the Reformation Anglican view of worship in language that is generous and accessible. Michael Jensen makes it clear that the Anglican Reformers simply wanted the prayer book to be God-centered, Christ-centered, and Bible-centered. I hope and expect that this volume will receive a wide readership.”
Grant LeMarquand, Professor of Mission and Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies, Trinity School for Ministry; Former Bishop for the Horn of Africa

“Michael Jensen’s contribution to the Reformation Anglicanism Essential Library brings into sharp focus the grace-filled gospel center of historic Anglican worship and makes a spirited case for the place and purpose of preaching, prayer, song, and sacrament in the contemporary Christian gathering.”
Kanishka Raffel, Dean of Sydney, Australia