Format: | Ebook |
Page Count: | 624 |
Size: | 6.0 in x 9.0 in |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433523601 |
ePub ISBN: | 978-1-4335-2360-1 |
PDF ISBN: | 978-1-4335-0761-8 |
Mobipocket ISBN: | 978-1-4335-0762-5 |
Published: | November 30, 2011 |
In this distinctive volume on the life of Jesus, Robert Peterson presents the biblical doctrine of Christ’s saving work in a fresh and comprehensive way. Peterson’s ability to explain the relationship between text and doctrine, to uncover connections that have eluded many others, and to organize the material in a way that makes it clear to seminarians and pastors and accessible to the layman, makes this volume a work to be noted. Peterson is as sound as they come, and his extensive preaching and teaching ministry enables him to make complex theological matters comprehensible to nonspecialists.
Salvation Accomplished by the Son aims to glorify Christ by presenting the saving work of Jesus in greater scope than has previously been done, and to encourage Christians to worship and serve him. This book explains in detail what Christ has done to rescue us, both his deeds and the biblical pictures illustrating them. Offered here is a substantive, significant, and enduring treatise on a key Christian doctrine—the work of Christ.
Product Details
“Peterson conducts a full-orbed tour of Christology, particularly highlighting the often neglected role of Christ's resurrection in our salvation. Peterson writes with a pastor’s heart, as is evident in the biblical fidelity and remarkable clarity that marks this work.”
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Robert Peterson has produced a comprehensive study of Christ’s saving work that puts the cross at the center, but also shows how it is part of a wider plan. He shows how the atonement must be seen in the context of Christ’s whole life and ministry without compromising the essential truth of his penal substitutionary sacrifice for us. This is a refreshing and insightful study, which is much needed at the present time and deserves to be widely read.”
Gerald Bray, Research Professor, Beeson Divinity School
“Dr. Peterson told me in correspondence, ‘my work is not [systematic theology] as much as laying biblical foundations for systematics.’ Well, people can define terms as they like. But I think Salvation Accomplished by the Son is systematic theology at its very best. It deals with doctrines of systematic theology by bringing them into closest proximity with the biblical texts that justify them. That is the kind of systematics of which we need much more. To explore any question about Jesus’s incarnation, atonement, or resurrection, this is the book to which, after Scripture itself, I would turn first.”
John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary
“At the heart of evangelicalism is the simple affirmation ‘Jesus saves.’ Theologian Robert Peterson shows us that this affirmation is both simple enough for a child’s faith and profound enough for a scholar’s erudition. In this sweeping and comprehensive study, Peterson not only unpacks the full scope of Christ’s saving work, from first advent to second; he pastorally applies this to the believer so that the result is not bone-dry theology, but heart-melting doxology. I left this book with a new desire to sing, ‘Jesus saves!’”
Sean Michael Lucas, Chancellor’s Professor of Church History, Reformed Theological Seminary
“At the center of Christianity is a crucified and risen Savior—a person, event, and picture so profound and massive, we have the sixty-six books of the Bible to unpack it. In this book, trusted and reliable guide Robert Peterson leads us deep into the rich contours of the atoning work of Christ. This is theology as it’s supposed to be: biblically informed at every turn, historically aware and enriched, culturally engaged, and pastorally presented—all leading us to worship the slain and risen Lamb.”
Stephen J. Nichols, President, Reformation Bible College; Chief Academic Officer, Ligonier Ministries
“Nothing should be of greater interest to a believer than the person and work of Jesus Christ. The precious and intricate theology involved in salvation and the glory and nature of Christ excite the deepest affections. In Robert Peterson’s Salvation Accomplished by the Son you will find the most satisfying food for your soul as he navigates the riches of christology and soteriology with deep insight and piercing simplicity. These pages have fueled my worship and motivated my love for Jesus. Read this book and you will bask in the glory of the Son.”
Rick Holland, Senior Pastor, Mission Road Bible Church, Prairie Village, Kansas
“Robert Peterson has given us a wonderful summation of the Bible’s witness to the Son’s saving work. This book is methodical, thorough, and accessible. It skirts atonement theories and fashionable trends to get at Christ’s atoning actions and roles. We learn that the gospel message is not flat and simplistic but multi-dimensional, nuanced, and rich. This book is an extended embodiment of the ancient invitation to ‘behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.’”
Robert W. Yarbrough, Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary
“There are many works dealing with Christ’s work of redemption, usually focusing on Jesus’s dying on the cross to save his people from their sins. While this is an important aspect of Christ’s saving work, it is not the complete picture. Dr. Peterson, in examining nine saving events of Christ and six scriptural aspects of his work, presents a more complete picture of Christ’s saving work. This study not only presents Christ’s work with careful exegesis, but also magnifies the grace and mercy of God as they are seen in Christ’s work of salvation. This is a valuable and important contribution to soteriology.”
Van Lees, Pastor, Covenant of Grace Church, St. Charles, Missouri