Format: | Ebook |
Page Count: | 128 |
Size: | 5.25 in x 7.75 in |
ISBN-UPC: | 9781433521812 |
ePub ISBN: | 978-1-4335-2181-2 |
PDF ISBN: | 978-1-4335-0474-7 |
Mobipocket ISBN: | 978-1-4335-0475-4 |
Published: | September 30, 2008 |
John Piper delivers powerful biblical reassurances to bolster readers' trust in the sovereignty of God and the supremacy of Christ when evil and tragedy come.
If God governs the sinful acts of men, then does the devastation caused by those terrorists, dictators, murderers, cheats, and abusers discredit Jesus' words: "All authority in heaven and earth belongs to me"? When heart-rending news comes of the latest accident, illness, or natural disaster, can we really believe that in Jesus, "all things hold together"?
Though God has not answered all of our questions about sin and suffering, there are things he wants us to know, things he declares in his Word-such as what's at stake in the "spectacular" sins of others and the horrible tragedies of this life; their global purpose, both historically and today; and what these events say to us personally.
As John Piper works through these biblical truths, this book will bolster readers' trust in the utter sovereignty of God such that they'll be less timid in their witness and less afraid of whatever may come. It is also a joy-infused declaration that because everything occurs through Christ and for Christ and his glory, they are forever secure in him.
Product Details
"When it comes to holocausts or other horrors, most of us assume God has his hands tied and his back to the wall. We figure the devil wreaks havoc when God's not looking; we rationalize the Lord's 'mistakes,' figuring he absentmindedly took his hands off the wheel when tragedies happen. But John Piper paints a different picture from the pages of Scripture that will strengthen your heart, bolster your faith, and deepen your understanding of the 'largeness' of God's sovereignty."
Joni Eareckson Tada, Founder and CEO, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
"Pastors, make sure your people read this book! I know of no one who has so clearly addressed the relationship of man's sin and God's sovereignty as John has done in Spectacular Sins."
Randy Pope, Pastor, Perimeter Church, Duluth, GA
"Spectacular Sins and Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ. Wow! Spectacular and sin! I've never seen those words together before. And who but John Piper could so brilliantly weave them into the same lyric as the global, purposeful glory of Christ! This man never ceases to inspire me to be more awestruck with the supremacy of Jesus."
Chris Tomlin, Recording Artist, Song-writer and Lead Worshiper