The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film (Download)


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The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film (Download)

The Bible is full of exciting stories that fill children with awe and wonder. In The Biggest Story, best-selling author Kevin DeYoung shows kids how all those classic stories connect to Scripture’s overarching message about God’s glorious plan to redeem his rebellious people.

Featuring beautiful illustrations adapted from the book, The Biggest Story: The Animated Short Film will captivate children as they are led on an exciting journey through the Bible in 26 minutes, connecting the dots from the garden of Eden to Christ's death on the cross to the new heaven and new earth.

Narrated by the author, this imaginative retelling of the Bible’s core message—how the Snake Crusher brings us back to the garden—will teach children that God's promises are even bigger and better than we think.

  • Illustrations by award-winning artist Don Clark
  • Original music by composer John Poon

Product Details

Format: Download
Published: August 31, 2016


“Kevin DeYoung has written a delightful book that both young and old will enjoy. The Biggest Story is a small treatment of a huge theme—God’s drama of redemption, centered on Jesus Christ. Kevin’s words are fresh, engaging, playful, and biblical. Many Bible storybooks offer pearls without a string. This one puts the pearls on a string—the right one. The result is magnificent and memorable.”
Randy Alcorn, author, Heaven; If God Is Good; and The Treasure Principle

“Rarely has one heard The Greatest Story ever told like this—with such winsome grace and compelling truth. Once we began, we couldn't stop reading the The Biggest Story aloud to our family, all in one sitting. Laughed, stilled, and wept by the last line—the moving glory of His amazing grace.”
Ann Voskamp, New York Times bestselling author, The Broken Way and One Thousand Gifts

“So often, our kids hear individual stories from the Bible without fully understanding how these accounts are tied to the ‘biggest story’ of Christ’s ultimate victory over sin. Kevin DeYoung has linked together the Bible stories that are familiar to children into one, enthralling volume. From the first page to the last, kids will come to understand why Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension are truly at the center of all of history.”
Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family

“Have you ever wanted to hug a book? This is how I felt after reading The Biggest Story. It awakened childlike wonder in this grandmother’s heart. The charming words and illustrations creatively tell the biggest and best story—the drama of redemption in Christ.”
Susan Hunt, Former Director of Women's Ministries, PCA; coauthor, Women's Ministry in the Local Church

“In The Biggest Story, Kevin DeYoung masterfully tells the story of man’s inability to be good enough and God’s enduring faithfulness to his promise to bring us back to paradise. This is the big picture, not the typical moralistic way of telling the Bible’s story. This book is engaging and wonderfully illustrated; your kids will want sit on your lap and have you read it again and again.”
Tedd Tripp, pastor; international conference speaker; author, Shepherding a Child's Heart

“Besides the Bible, this is exactly the kind of book that I love to give as a gift. All day long, from infancy to adulthood, we are all invited to participate in different stories—wear this product, use this technology, vote this way, go to this school, follow this leader. What could be more important than teaching our children the Big Story? Kevin's retelling of the Serpent-Crusher's conquest will be beloved by parents and children alike.”
Gloria Furman, author, Labor with Hope and Missional Motherhood

The Biggest Story is a family worship favorite around our household. The kids love hearing the story of Scripture read as one continuous adventure. From toddlers to adults, this book teaches important truths about God, his Word, and the history of his work in the world.”
David and Heather Platt, President, International Mission Board; author, Radical; and his wife, Heather Platt