The Dawning of Indestructible Joy: Daily Readings for Advent (Ebook)

By John Piper

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The Dawning of Indestructible Joy: Daily Readings for Advent (Ebook)

By John Piper

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Advent is for adoring Jesus.

The Christmas season is one of the busiest times of year. But it’s also a season of reflection and preparation for that special day when we mark Immanuel’s coming—the arrival of our eternal God in our own frail humanity.

This is the greatest of history’s many wonders, something too stupendous to celebrate just on one day. Advent is a way of lengthening and intensifying the joy of Christmas.

These 25 brief devotional readings from John Piper begin on December 1 and carry us to Christmas Day. Our hope is that God would use these meditations to deepen and sweeten your adoration of Jesus and help you keep him at the center of your Christmas season.

Read Chapter 1


John Piper

John Piper is founder and lead teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for thirty-three years as a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the author of more than fifty books, including Desiring God; Don’t Waste Your Life; and Providence.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 64
Size: 5.0 in x 7.0 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433542398
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-4239-8
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-4237-4
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-4238-1
Published: August 31, 2014