The Power of Words and the Wonder of God (Ebook)

Edited by John Piper, Justin Taylor, Introduction by Justin Taylor, Contributions by Paul David Tripp, Sinclair B. Ferguson, John Piper, Daniel Taylor, Bob Kauflin

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The Power of Words and the Wonder of God (Ebook)

Edited by John Piper, Justin Taylor, Introduction by Justin Taylor, Contributions by Paul David Tripp, Sinclair B. Ferguson, John Piper, Daniel Taylor, Bob Kauflin

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Words carry immeasurable significance: The universe was created with a word; Jesus healed and cast out demons with a word; rulers have risen and fallen by their words; Christians have worshiped through words of song, confession, and preaching. Even in our technological age, politics, education, business, and relationships center on words.

Since the tongue is such a powerful force-for good or evil-we are wise to ask: What would homes, churches, schools, even the public square be like if we used words with Christian intentionality and eloquence? The Power of Words and the Wonder of God seeks to answer this difficult question. In these chapters, derived from Desiring God's 2008 national conference, John Piper and Sinclair Ferguson team with worship pastor Bob Kauflin, ministry leader Paul Tripp, and literature professor Daniel Taylor to help readers harness their tongues and appropriately command their silences for the glory of God and the ministry of the gospel.


John Piper

John Piper is founder and lead teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for thirty-three years as a pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the author of more than fifty books, including Desiring God; Don’t Waste Your Life; and Providence.

Justin Taylor

Justin Taylor (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the executive vice president of book publishing and book publisher at Crossway. He has edited and contributed to several books, and he blogs at Between Two Worlds—hosted by the Gospel Coalition.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 176
Size: 5.5 in x 8.5 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433523762
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-2376-2
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-1050-2
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-1051-9
Published: September 30, 2009