What Can You Find?


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What Can You Find?


Full Text

Look at the picture on the back of this paper and see if you can find:

  • Fish
  • Clock
  • Popsicle
  • Jack
  • Key
  • Bible
  • Horse shoe
  • Paper airplane
  • Pinecone
  • Apple
  • Marble

Were you able to find everything on the list? Good for you! Sounds like you’re ready for a bigger challenge. Can you:

  • Count how many hairs are on your head? Matthew 10:30
  • Remember the names of every single star in the sky? Psalm 147:4
  • Count the grains of sand at the ocean? Or even in your sandbox?

That’s silly, isn’t it? No one is big enough or smart enough to do those things . . . but God is! In fact, God created the whole universe and everything in it—the stars, the oceans, and . . . you! But even though He is so wise and powerful, He still loves each one of us—so much that He even knows how many hairs are on our heads. Nothing is more important to God than the love He has for you and me!

That’s why He sent His Son, Jesus, to take away our sins. Sins are the bad things we do, like telling a lie or being mean to someone at school. The Bible tells us that everyone sins and that our sin separates us from God. But God loves us so much that He made a way to take away our sin. Jesus had to die on a cross, but three days later, God raised Him to life again. If we are sorry for our sins and believe what Jesus did for us, our sins will be forgiven and we can live with God forever in Heaven!

If you believe these things in your heart, talk to God right now and say,

“Dear God, thank You for loving me so much that You sent Jesus to take away my sins. I am sorry for the bad things I’ve done. Please forgive me. Please come into my heart and help me love You more every day. Amen.”

If you have just prayed this prayer, ask an adult to help you write your name and address below and send it to us for a free booklet.

Product Details

Bible Version: N/A
Page Count: 6
Size: 3.5 in x 5.38 in
Weight: 3.6 ounces
ISBN-UPC: 663575727934
Case Quantity: 168
Published: March 01, 2004