What's Missing?


Availability: Out of Print

What's Missing?


A new illustrated children's tract that shows even though some things are easy to spot, others, such as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, might not be as easy to recognize. 

Full Text

Did you figure out which object is missing? I hope it wasn’t too obvious or too easy. But sometimes things are so important that they are VERY obvious when they’re missing! Let me tell you about the greatest “what’s missing” story of all time.


On a Sunday morning 2000 years ago, three women went to finish embalming the dead body of Jesus. It had been quickly wrapped in a burial sheet and put in a stone tomb the Friday before. The men who put it there had to hurry to finish before a religious day of rest began at sundown. So, on Sunday, these women were coming to complete the job of adding burial spices and ointments to the wrappings (Luke 23:56, 24:1).


When they arrived, they were surprised to find that the large stone over the door of the tomb was rolled back. Jesus’ body was missing! They couldn’t imagine what had happened! Then two angels appeared and reminded the women that Jesus had said He would die and then be raised to life (Luke 24:2-10).


No wonder Jesus was missing…a tomb isn’t for living people!

Why did Jesus die?

Jesus’ resurrection—coming back to life after his death on a cross—proved that He really was the Son of God. But if he hadn’t come back to life, it would mean that God hadn’t accepted his substitution for us. We would have been doomed.


You see, God’s book, the Bible, tells us that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23)! Sins are things that get us in trouble with our parents, teachers, and even our friends…like saying or doing mean or hateful things. Stuff that usually has consequences we don’t like! What’s worse is that our sins have consequences with God. The Bible says that our sins “have made a separation” between us and God (Isaiah 59:2). That’s not what God wants. He wants us to spend forever with Him in heaven when our life on earth is over. But He wants us to become part of His “family” right now and live a life that pleases Him.



That’s why Jesus Christ, God’s Son, became a man and took the punishment for the sins of every person. The Bible says, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us…that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (Romans 6:8, John 3:16). Then Jesus came back to life three days later! Hundreds of people saw him before He returned to heaven (1Corinthians 15:3-8).


Are you missing…from God’s family?

God is ready to forgive your sins and give you the “gift of God”—eternal life (Ephesians 2:8)! The Bible says that “everyone who believes in [Jesus] will have their sins forgiven” (Acts 10:43). “Believing” means that you are placing your full confidence in God’s way as the only way to be forgiven and receive the gift of eternal life. Those who believe also “become children of God” (John 1:12)!


If you’re missing from God’s family and you truly believe that Jesus died for you, you can tell God in your own words, like this: “Dear God, I know I’m a sinner. I believe that your Son Jesus died for me. I trust You to forgive my sins and to give me life that lasts forever. Thank you that I can become one of your children! I love you!”    


Don’t miss out on becoming part of God’s forever family!

Product Details

Bible Version: ESV
Page Count: 6
Size: 3.5 in x 5.38 in
Weight: 3.5 ounces
ISBN-13: 978-1-68216-261-3
ISBN-UPC: 1682162613
Case Quantity: 168
Published: January 31, 2013