4 Prayers to Pray when You’re Waiting

This article is part of the 4 Prayers to Pray series.
1. Read Psalm 42:1–11 and Pray:
Gracious God, most mighty to help, have regard to my pain and distress wherein I weep and complain so long, and help me. You cannot have forgotten me. I am your beloved child, your lamb that is marked with the blood of your Son Jesus Christ. My soul is troubled at the withholding of your help. For days and months—a long time have I waited for your salvation, and as the deer pants after the water brooks, so has my desire been unto your grace. You make my soul to wait long in this vale of sorrow. My enemies exult over my misery. Lord, remember my affliction. Hasten to help me.
—Wilhelm Loehe
2. Read Zechariah 12:1–13:1 and Pray:
How long will you be absent? Forever? Oh, Lord! Have you forgotten to be gracious, and have you shut up your loving kindness in displeasure? Will you be no more entreated? Is your mercy clear gone forever, and your promise come utterly to an end forevermore? Why do you make so long tarrying? Shall I despair of your mercy?
Oh God! Far be that from me; I am your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus; give me grace, therefore, to tarry your leisure, and patiently to bear your works, assuredly knowing, that as you can, so you will deliver me, when it shall please you, doubting nothing nor distrusting your goodness toward me; for you know better what is good for me than I do; therefore, do with me in all things what you will, and plague me what way you will.
Only, in the meantime, arm me, I ask you, with your armor, that I may stand fast, my loins being girded about with verity, having on the breastplate of righteousness, and shod with the shoes prepared by the gospel of peace; above all things, taking to me the shield of faith, wherewith I may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked; and taking the helmet of salvation, and the sword of your Spirit, which is your most holy Word; praying always, with all manner of prayer and supplication, that I may refer myself wholly to your will, abiding your pleasure, and comforting myself in those troubles that it shall please you to send me; seeing such troubles are profitable for me, and seeing I am assuredly persuaded that it cannot but be well all you do. Hear me, O merciful Father, for his sake, whom you willed should be a sacrifice for my sins; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit, be all honor and glory.
—Lady Jane Grey
3. Read James 1:2–18 and Pray:
O Almighty God, Father and Lord of all the creatures, who has disposed all things and all chances so as may best glorify your wisdom, and serve the ends of your justice, and magnify your mercy, by secret and undiscernible ways bringing good out of evil; I most humbly implore you to give me wisdom from above, that I may adore you, and admire your ways and footsteps, which are in the great deep and not to be searched out; teach me to submit to your providence in all things, to be content in all changes of persons and condition; to be temperate in prosperity, and to read my duty in the lines of your mercy; and in adversity to be meek, patient, and resigned; and to look through the cloud, that I may wait for the consolation of the Lord, and the day of redemption; in the meantime doing my duty with an unwearied diligence and an undisturbed resolution, having no fondness for the vanities or possessions of this world, but laying up my hopes in heaven, and being strengthened with the spirit of the inner man, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
—Jeremy Taylor
4. Read Revelation 22:6–21 and Pray:
Above all, long-expected Messiah, do come! Your ancient people who despised you once are waiting for you in your second coming, and we, the Gentiles, who knew you not, neither regarded you, we, too, are watching for your advent. . . . Earth travails for your coming. The whole creation groans in pain together until now. Your own expect you; we are longing till we are weary for your coming. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen and Amen.
—Charles Spurgeon
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