You Will Always Have the Time to Do What God Calls You to Do
You probably don’t have time to do all you want to do or all you dream of doing, but you have the time to do the things you should be doing, the things that God is calling you to do.
You probably don’t have time to do all you want to do or all you dream of doing, but you have the time to do the things you should be doing, the things that God is calling you to do.
“She Is Different”: Reflections on Peace
Peace describes the heart that knows it is safe in God. The third virtue of the fruit of the Spirit is all about what God’s love and joy have accomplished for his people—“peace with God” (Rom. 5:10).
With Christ, though, our sins and weaknesses are the very tickets that qualify us to approach him. Nothing but coming to him is required—first at conversion, and ten thousand more times.
4 Ways Healthy Church Members Cultivate True Growth
How do healthy church members cultivate such growth? The following are some suggestions for continuing to develop godliness or holiness in life.
Should Christians Practice Total Abstinence from Alcoholic Beverages?
The issue of alcohol is a personal question, and will vary from individual to individual. It will depend in part on knowing one’s self, one’s personal history, one’s family history, and one’s cultural context.
‘The Biggest Story’ Christmas Devotional with Printable Ornaments
Take a journey through the Bible this December with the help of stories from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, and prepare your family for the birth of Jesus the Savior!
No Christian denies that justification is by faith. That is an obvious biblical teaching. The controversy is about whether justification is by faith alone (sola fide).