A Word to Those Who Are Lonely This Christmas
Original Loneliness
In ways that I don't think that we've talked about enough, the Christmas story is about loneliness. In fact, the Christmas story is meant to present to us the ultimate solution to the loneliness that began in the garden of Eden.
The deepest form of loneliness we experience is because we're broken from our Creator.
Human beings weren't created to be lonely. We were created for intimate relationship with God and intimate relationships with one another. And you see that broken in the garden with people hiding from God. Adam and Eve were broken from one another and accusing one another. You see profound, sad loneliness in that one place where loneliness wasn't supposed to exist.
Come, Let Us Adore Him
Paul David Tripp
Thirty-one daily readings from Paul David Tripp equip us to do the one thing that matters most each December—celebrating the glory of the incarnation of God's Son.
God’s Solution
God wasn't willing for loneliness, in that deep, profound way to live in our hearts, so he sent us his Son—first, to restore our hearts to him. The deepest form of loneliness we experience is because we're broken from our Creator.
Restoration to the Creator then becomes a platform where we can be restored to one another. Jesus came because God cares about your loneliness. He wants to solve that loneliness and ultimately, there will be a day when we will be lonely no more.
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