Why Pastors Must Show Their Kids How to Love the Church
Perhaps the most important thing we can do to demonstrate our love for the church is to crucify any trace of careerism.
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Why Pastors Must Show Their Kids How to Love the Church
Perhaps the most important thing we can do to demonstrate our love for the church is to crucify any trace of careerism.
An Open Letter to Those Living for Tomorrow
Remember death so you can remember Jesus.
Memento Mori: What It Means and Why It Matters
When we see death as an unshakeable reality, it has the ability shed perspective on life in the meantime.
God Doesn’t Love You Because You’re Special or Good
God loves his people despite their sin against him. He loves them before they love him back, and before there’s anything in them worthy of his love. But his love doesn’t stop there.
How Being Honest about Death Brings Hope
We live with more detachment from death than in any other time and place in history.
What Is Our True Comfort in Life and Death?
If you want both comfort in life and death, start by recognizing the truth about the world and about yourself.
What Happens When We Forget We’ll Die
If we see our lives through the truth about death, then Jesus’s promises begin to take on an entirely different tone for us.
When Is the Last Time You Thought of the Fact That You Will Die?
When is the last time you thought of the fact that you will die? When did you last have a conversation with someone on the subject of death?