Quiet is a means of God’s grace. Why does it make us so uncomfortable?
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Quiet is a means of God’s grace. Why does it make us so uncomfortable?
Why Do Pastors Need the Gospel?
We need to know the message so we can live it, speak it, communicate it.
Why Admitting Limitations Is Life-Giving
There is freedom in admitting that we are not Christ—we are not perfect. But Jesus loves us anyway and only asks that we follow him.
When Did You Realize You Were an Imperfect Pastor?
Recognition of pastoral imperfections and flaws comes with experience and reflection on past ministry.
Zack Eswine explains how Ezekiel 18 provides a summary of the gospel in the Old Testament.
The antidote I need is to remember that each of us has been called with different gifts.
How to Achieve Pastoral Success
Do the work set before you and trust that God will bear fruit.
How Should a Pastor Handle Ministry Success?
Though the Lord doesn't often do large, famous, and fast things, he sometimes does.
How Celebrity-Pastor Culture Impacts Pastors
We wrestle with this invitation to do a truly great thing by serving the least, while inside of us and outside of us, we're pressured to make much of ourselves.
Dear Pastor . . . When You Wonder How You’ll Make It, Remember This
In my experience, this unsaid thing for sustaining a long, fruitful life and ministry sounds too basic to some who quickly dismiss it.
Can Burnout Ever Be a Good Thing?
God is good, and we will experience that goodness if we humble ourselves in the midst of burnout and become teachable.
One of the deepest fears an earnest pastor has is that he is going to let God down.
3 Limitations We Face In Ministry, and What We Can Do About Them
Which are you more tempted to pretend that you are: an everywhere-for-all, a fix-it-all, or a know-it-all?