How the Bible's Message Impacts Daily Life
Is the Whole Bible Relevant to Your Life?
Knowing the whole message of the Bible should be transformative. When I think about how it has transformed lives, I start with myself because my own life was transformed by knowing the whole message of the Bible and seeing how the New Testament writers view the Old Testament. The Bible is not just some archaic book that we put aside, but a part of the story that we’re living now, the story that points to Jesus, our Savior and King.
One friend I was talking to recently, who is a church planter, was telling me how he didn't see or use the Old Testament a lot until he got a grasp on the whole message of the Bible because he thought of the Old Testament as an archaic book. That was for Israel, but now there's something new for us—the New Testament. He didn't see how it all connected together. “And when you don't see the message of the whole Bible,” he told me, “you lose out on so much.”
“And when you don't see the message of the whole Bible,” he told me, “you lose out on so much.”
So much of Scripture can feel irrelevant to you. But when you see that the Bible is one story, contains one message from Genesis to Revelation, and points us to Jesus, then you can read the Psalms as testimonies to Jesus, the great King; testimonies to Jesus, the perfect righteous one, and you can connect your life to him, who then connects you to all of these Psalms. You can read the Proverbs as testimonies to the perfect wise man, Jesus.
And so my friend was unpacking that for me. As he began to understand more and more the whole message of the Bible, it made him a better pastor, a better father, a better husband, and a more devoted follower of Jesus.
The Whole Message of the Bible in 16 Words
Chris Bruno
This accessible overview of biblical theology traces the development of sixteen key themes from Genesis to Revelation, showing how each theme contributes to the one main storyline of Scripture.
So if we're serious about following Jesus, we're going to be serious about knowing the Bible. If we're serious about knowing the Bible, we're going to be serious about knowing its whole message and how all of the individual pieces fit together into one glorious whole that points to God, the God who sent his Son to save us for our joy and for his glory.
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