Is Christianity Good for the World?
Exploring the Impact of Christianity Throughout History
In our increasingly secular world, many claim that Christianity is oppressive and toxic. Christians are accused of standing on the wrong side of history, failing to accept human dignity, freedom, and progress. Are these accusations valid? In this video, Dr. Sharon James, author of Is Christianity Good for the World? argues that a biblical worldview is essential for human freedom, flourishing, and fulfillment.
TGC Hard Questions is a series of short booklets that seek to answer common but difficult questions people ask about Christianity. The series serves the church by providing tools that answer people’s deep longings for community, their concerns about biblical ethics, and their doubts about confessional faith.
Is Christianity Good for the World? shows that through history and across the globe, true followers of Christ have challenged injustice and abuse and provided care for the needy—living out their conviction that every person is created in God’s image.
“Brief, insightful, well-researched, and extremely timely. This deserves wide circulation.”
—Peter J. Williams, Principal, Tyndale House, Cambridge
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