Is “Mental Illness” a Helpful Label?
Labels can be helpful in beginning to describe or define what we are talking about, but labels can also cause difficulties.
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Is “Mental Illness” a Helpful Label?
Labels can be helpful in beginning to describe or define what we are talking about, but labels can also cause difficulties.
Is it true that it's not just the messages that we find on the web that influence us but that it’s the web itself, the process through which the web puts us as we engage its powers?
“Love is love” proudly pronounced that the lover's authenticity determines the love's integrity. Who can judge love? it asked. But does God define love, or do I? Is God love, or are my feelings my God?
5 Ways the World Would Be Worse without Christianity
Christians are instructed to “check their privilege” and “do the work” to repudiate Christianity’s toxic legacy. But what would the world really be like without Christianity?
Podcast: How the World Found Democracy—and Became Ex-Christian (Andrew Wilson)
Andrew Wilson explains why the idea of democracy was so transformative in the decades following the American Revolution and how industrialization changed the way people thought about the world.
3 Core Beliefs of the Transgender Movement
The transgender revolution is sweeping. Deeper understanding of it requires us to consider three core beliefs that underly it and make it possible.
While we should be careful not to reduce gender to cultural stereotypes, we must realize that uprooting gender from biology effectively kills it. If gender can be anything, it ends up being nothing.
Podcast: Answering Common Questions about Mental Illness (David Murray)
David Murray responds to questions regarding anxiety, depression, and other forms of mental illness and also offers advice on differentiating between normal feelings of sadness and something more serious.
Does the Gospel Need a Feminist Rescue?
Men and women and children are to conduct themselves in accordance with a pattern. A woman’s personal gifts do not take priority over the design pattern that God established in the garden.
We instinctively recognize that the solution to bad authority is seldom no authority, but almost always good authority.
3 Ways the Internet Itself Resembles Pornography
It is not just that much pornography can be found online. It is that the web, by virtue of what it is, is intrinsically pornographically shaped.
5 Lies Our Culture Is Telling Us
When it seems like we are living at ground zero of the Tower of Babel, when the whole world seems to have gone mad, we need to cling to Christ with courage.
Podcast: Sexual Confusion, Cultural Lies, and Our Christian Witness (Rosaria Butterfield)
Rosaria Butterfield responds to many of the most common claims and arguments that we often hear related to gender and sexuality today. She also answers tough questions that many of us may encounter.
We (Do Not) Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident
We are inclined to see equality and human rights as universal norms. But in reality they are culturally conditioned beliefs that depend on fundamentally Christian assumptions about the world.
Has Our Society Lost Its Vision of What It Means to Be Human?
These moral universes are irreconcilable. They’re impenetrable. We are unable to reason together on even the most basic essentials necessary for the common good.
Can a Christian Have Mental Illness?
Some Christians believe that Christians cannot have mental illness. If a professing Christian is depressed, anxious, or bipolar, they think it’s because they are not a real Christian, or it's because of unrepented sin.
5 Ways the Digital Age Is Transforming the Way You Think
Our work, education, relationships, and even worship are increasingly happening digitally. Our tendency is often to think of these technologies as just neutral “tools." But this is not quite right.
Podcast: Why You Can’t Stop Looking at Your Phone (Samuel James)
Samuel James sets forth a distinctly Christian theology of technology, one that is profoundly realistic about its power, both for good and evil.
Did Anything Happen in 1776 besides That One Thing?
Beginning in northwestern Europe, economic growth began outpacing population growth, and more people found themselves getting richer than their parents. The world has not been the same since.
How the Bible Talks about Corporate Responsibility and Repentance
Do we share some responsibility for the sins committed by those who were part of the same immediate family? What about the same religious family?
Podcast: On Apologetics: The Best of ‘The Crossway Podcast’
We are pleased to offer a selection of some of the best moments related to apologetics from the podcast over the past four years.
Does America’s History Reveal a Common Consensus on Abortion?
Knowing abortion is murder is not something that is just a result of modern technology. It has been the common sense of people in America for centuries.
Why You Should Enroll in Wisdom University
The primary reason people drop out of Wisdom University is peer pressure—the influence of others in the same social group or age group.
The common good is such an important concept because it helps us understand that when we are pursuing the welfare of the city, we're not looking out for our self-interest alone.
Podcast: The Life and Legacy of Elisabeth Elliot (Lucy S. R. Austen)
Lucy S. R. Austen shares insights into Elisabeth Elliot’s missionary work in Ecuador and how her writing in the years that followed impacted thousands of believers around the world.
An Antislavery Message from 1776 by the Nation’s First Black Ordained Minister
It is evident, by ocular demonstration, that man by his depravity has procured many corrupt habits that are detrimental to society.
An Untethered Identity Is Dangerous
The way that our world shapes and steers us on that quest for identity can be dangerous because it’s often without reference to God, without being anchored in his Word.
The Right (and Wrong) Way to Be True to Yourself
You’re no longer worshiping the god of this age. You have the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. This is what’s true of you.
10 Devotional Treasures from Surprising Sources
Among the classics of devotional readings, we find that great devotionals often sprang from unexpected and even unintended origins, as the following list of ten surprising sources shows.
I’d like to offer different advice than what you might hear elsewhere: “Do not follow your dreams. Do not march to the beat of your own drummer. And whatever you do, do not be true to yourself.”