Kristen Wetherell
Kristen Wetherell is a wife, mother, writer, and speaker. She is the author of several books, including Help for the Hungry Soul, and coauthor of the award-winning book Hope When It Hurts. Kristen is a member of the Orchard and lives in Chicagoland with her husband and three children.
Kristen Wetherell
Kristen Wetherell is a wife, mother, writer, and speaker. She is the author of several books, including Help for the Hungry Soul, and coauthor of the award-winning book Hope When It Hurts. Kristen is a member of the Orchard and lives in Chicagoland with her husband and three children.
- Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: If God Speaks to Me, Why Can’t I Hear Him?
- Be Careful, Your Kids Are Emulating Your Works Righteousness
- Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: How Can God Hear Everyone’s Prayers at the Same Time?
- Falling Behind in Your Bible Reading Plan Isn’t Your Greatest Danger
- God’s Primary Provision for Our Spiritual Hunger