God Wrote a Book (Ebook)

By James MacDonald

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God Wrote a Book (Ebook)

By James MacDonald

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"God wrote a book." There is something very powerful in that simple statement. The book, of course, is the Bible, and because God is its author, it's the most important work ever written. Millions across the world agree with that, yet many believe it only conceptually, doubting that the words of the Bible are in fact the very words of God.

Pastor James MacDonald addresses today's disturbing trend away from taking God's Word seriously. He clarifies the misconceptions that surround the infallibility, reliability, and historicity of the Bible and explains why he believes it is the inspired Word of God, how it originated, what the Bible is good for, and its benefits to us. Written to believers and non-believers who have questions, this book on the Good Book has the answers.


James MacDonald

James MacDonald (DMin, Phoenix Seminary) is the founding and senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel with seven campus locations across the greater Chicago area. He is also the founder of Harvest Bible Fellowship, which has planted over 110 churches worldwide, and of Walk in the Word, a Bible-teaching radio and television ministry. James is married to Kathy and they have three grown children and five grandsons.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 128
Size: 5.25 in x 7.75 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433517549
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-1754-9
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-1082-3
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-1083-0
Published: March 31, 2004