God's Grand Design: The Theological Vision of Jonathan Edwards (Ebook)

By Sean Michael Lucas

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God's Grand Design: The Theological Vision of Jonathan Edwards (Ebook)

By Sean Michael Lucas

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Jonathan Edwards was a preacher, pastor, revivalist, and theologian. This volume unpacks his magnificent theological vision, which starts with God’s glory and ends with all creation returning to that glory. 

Sean Michael Lucas has converted his years of teaching on Edwards into this valuable work, which places Edwards’s vision in an accessible, two-part framework. Part one focuses on Edwards’s understanding of redemption history—God’s cosmic, grand work from eternity past to eternity future, where all things are united in Christ. Part two examines Edwards’s perspective on “redemption applied”—how that gracious, divine work unfolds in space and time to personally transform individuals, stirring their affections, illuminating their minds, and moving their wills to form new habits and practices.

This overview of Edwards’s theology will prove to be a thought-provoking, encouraging guide to contemporary believers at every stage of their spiritual journey. 


Sean Michael Lucas

Sean Michael Lucas (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the senior minister at the First Presbyterian Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and associate professor of church history at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He previously taught at Covenant Theological Seminary for five years, serving as the chief academic officer.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 224
Size: 5.5 in x 8.5 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433524455
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-2445-5
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-1446-3
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-1447-0
Published: October 31, 2011


“Those of us trundling through the complete works of Jonathan Edwards in the recent Yale edition are grateful for experts like Sean Lucas who, with a single lucid paragraph, are able to unravel the most complex of Edwardian thought. The study of Edwards has become something of a ‘rite of passage’ in recent days and some of us have some catching up to do. Dr. Lucas, a well-respected Edwards scholar in his own right, has given us a comprehensive summary of Edwards’s understanding of the Christian life that does for Edwards what Sinclair Ferguson did for John Owen. An essential and most welcome companion to any serious study of Edwards.”
Derek W. H. Thomas, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries

“This is an edifying book on a most edifying person, one who became the most important pastor in all of American history. By focusing our attention on what mattered most to Edwards—authentic Christian living that derives from God’s grace and reflects God’s glory—Sean Lucas has written a book that can draw you nearer to God, even make you a better person. Good theology, well presented, leads to passionate, godly piety. Edwards and Lucas know this well. I pray that you will know it too.”
Douglas A. Sweeney, Dean and Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University

“Sean Michael Lucas analyzes the ways that Jonathan Edwards understood the Christian life as both inconceivably vast and intensely personal and practical, demonstrating that there is still much to be learned from America's greatest philosopher-theologian. From his Introduction to the two invaluable Appendices, Lucas offers an eminently useful volume that reminds one of much of Edwards's own writing—technical yet accessible, scholarly yet pastoral.”
Richard A. Bailey, Associate Professor of History, Canisius College; author, Race and Redemption in Puritan New England

“It is good for the church—and the heart—to see Sean Lucas, a modern pastor-theologian, working with such depth and clarity in the corpus of Jonathan Edwards, America's preeminent pastor-theologian. Lucas shows a mastery of the vast secondary and primary sources on and by Edwards, yet writes to be understood and to bless the church. If there is a better way to honor the New Light minister, I am not aware of it.”
Owen Strachan, Associate Professor of Christian Theology, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; coauthor, The Grand Design; coeditor, Designed for Joy