Judges: Ordinary People, Extraordinary God (Ebook)

By Woodrow Kroll

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Judges: Ordinary People, Extraordinary God (Ebook)

By Woodrow Kroll

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The book of Judges is highly relevant for Christians today. No other book shows so clearly how God uses ordinary people-in spite of their faults-to do mighty deeds for his glory.

Rather than a verse-by-verse or chapter-by-chapter review, this study will take you life-by-life through the individual judges, both in the book of Judges and 1 Samuel. Each of the study's sixteen lessons includes a Scripture passage (in the ESV®), a devotional, thought-provoking questions, and a challenge to go deeper.

Through Judges you'll learn how God works in every ordinary person's life, utilizing both strengths and weaknesses to carry out his will. And ultimately you can discover the specific way God desires to use you for his extraordinary purposes.


Woodrow Kroll

Woodrow Kroll is the president and Bible teacher for Back to the Bible, a ministry of international media. Author of more than fifty books, Kroll served as the president of Practical Bible College in Binghamton, New York, before joining Back to the Bible. He and his wife, Linda, live in Ashland, Nebraska. They have four married children and thirteen grandchildren.

Product Details

Format: Ebook
Page Count: 120
Size: 6.0 in x 9.0 in
ISBN-UPC: 9781433518171
ePub ISBN: 978-1-4335-1817-1
PDF ISBN: 978-1-4335-0163-0
Mobipocket ISBN: 978-1-4335-0830-1
Published: June 30, 2007