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D.A. Carson on Evangelicalism—from ETS 2009

Dr. D. A. Carson presents a biblical/theological definition of evangelicalism that is rooted in the New Testament’s description of the gospel, and then proceeds to demonstrate its continuing relevance and our need for its scripturally defined boundaries.

Custom ESV Bibles for All

The Custom ESV Bible Program allows you to create a custom cover to represent your church, ministry, or organization.


While the chief priests were arguing over the wording of the sign, the soldiers were preparing Jesus for crucifixion.

Crossway 2022 Book Award Winners

Christianity Today and the Gospel Coalition have announced the winners of their book awards for the year, including Overcoming Apathy by Uche Anizor, which won Christianity Today’s Book of the Year award.

Creeds and Confessions 101

Creeds and confessions are useful only to the extent that they reproduce faithfully the teaching of Scripture itself.