An Implicit Biblical Command for Families

5 Reasons to Prioritize Family Worship
1. It is implied in Scripture.
No verse in Scripture explicitly commands daily family worship, but many passages imply it (e.g., Genesis 18:19; Joshua 24:15; Deuteronomy 6:6–7; Job 1:5; Psalm 78:1–4; Ephesians 6:4; 2 Timothy 3:15). Regular reading of the Scriptures and praying together as a family are simple and obvious applications from these verses.
2. It is beneficial for our families.
Because God made us to be worshipers, we flourish best as individuals, groups, and societies when the worship of God is at the center of our existence. Worship is a blessing and brings blessings to us. As the old saying goes, “The family that prays together stays together.” When we are relating to God rightly, we are far more likely to relate to one another rightly. Worshiping together as a family also tends to improve our private devotions and increase our enjoyment of church worship.
3. It builds a biblical worldview.
Daily reading of Scripture together as a family builds a strong foundation for our lives and creates a common framework with which we view the world. It will also develop discernment in our children, an ability to see the difference between truth and falsehood.
4. It reminds us of our ultimate purpose.
Why are we here? While a sermon or two a week help reorient us, daily family worship prevents our answer to that question from fading through the week. It stops us from drifting into worldliness by constantly reminding us of our need of Christ and of the gospel.
Exploring the Bible Together
David Murray
This resource will help families establish and practice regular family devotions because it is realistic in its aims, it has a clear plan and direction, and it stimulates interaction with Scripture and prayer.
5. It leaves an indelible impression.
How do you want to be remembered? How do you want your kids to think about you when they leave home or when you are gone to your eternal home? A sports fan? Too busy? A good cook? How about a worshiper of God? Isn’t that what we want our kids to remember about us above all else? Many of us can testify to the way the memory of our Dad or Mom conducting family worship was used later in our lives to draw us to Christ. What we remembered above all was the way they prioritized the worship of God and that this was not just a once-a-week activity but a daily reality.
Don’t let perfection become the enemy of progress.
Practical Tips
I want to encourage you to frame your family worship around the idea of “exploring.” Kids like to explore, so let’s help them to view Bible reading as explorers view unchartered territory. Perhaps remind them of this theme by saying, “Hey, kids, it’s time to explore the Bible!” rather than “Hey, kids, it’s time for family devotions.”
You’ll see that each set of weekly readings is described as an “expedition” with a few sentences mapping out the territory of the Bible that you are about to explore. It’s so important to convey the idea of excited anticipation as your family gathers around the Bible.
When is best to do this? This will vary depending on family circumstances, but most families find that it’s best to do this immediately after their evening meal. Others connect it with young children’s bedtime. Home educators may want to use the guide in the morning before they start their schoolwork. Connecting family worship with an existing daily event will increase the chances of you remembering to do it.
Obviously it’s best if both parents and all children can be there, but sometimes, due to work responsibilities and other activities, that’s not possible. Don’t let perfection become the enemy of progress. Keep as regular a time as you can and as many regularly involved as you can.
This article is adapted from Exploring the Bible Together: A 52-Week Family Worship Plan by David Murray.
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