Why Were Gold, Incense, and Myrrh Appropriate Gifts for Jesus?
James Montgomery Boice focuses and reflects on the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.
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Why Were Gold, Incense, and Myrrh Appropriate Gifts for Jesus?
James Montgomery Boice focuses and reflects on the gifts the wise men brought to Jesus.
Humanism: You Will Be Like God
James Montgomery Boice explains the dangers of secular humanism.
The fifth “ism” that has formed contemporary culture as we know it is pragmatism, a philosophy that measures truth by its utilitarian value.
Materialism: The Material Girl
A fourth “ism” which is part of the “pattern of this world” is materialism.
Secularism: The Cosmos Is All That Is
Secularism, more than any other single word, aptly describes the mental framework and value structure of the people of our time.
James Montgomery Boice writes about the difficulty of relativism.