“Why Have You Forsaken Me?” Understanding Jesus’s Cry on the Cross
Matthew Y. Emerson,
Brandon D. Smith
The crucifixion is a good case study in showing how a careful Trinitarian framework can help work through thorny issues related to the Trinity and salvation.
6 Metaphors the Bible Uses for the Church
Joel R. Beeke,
Paul M. Smalley
There is a richness to the church that defies human comprehension. God draws from a treasury of terms to describe his magnum opus.
The Right and Wrong Way to Read Jeremiah 29:11
Jason S. DeRouchie
Jeremiah 29:11 is a very familiar verse to many Christians. Jason DeRouchie examines how someone might apply this verse rightly—and not rightly.
A Thought Experiment to Help Recalibrate Our Beliefs about the Trinity
Matthew Y. Emerson,
Brandon D. Smith
The way we talk about God’s acts often divides the persons of God in a way that is contrary to our confession that God is one God in three persons.
Did Jesus Teach That Our Prayers Are Bothersome to God? (Luke 18)
Thomas R. Schreiner
In Luke 18 Jesus tells of a judge who does not fear God or respect human beings.—especially those who, like the widow, are poor and disadvantaged.
Revelation’s Two Great Feasts
Jon Nielson
When we come to Revelation 19, we finally begin to approach John’s vision of the very last things. Soon we will move to the very good ending of the story of Scripture—and of the whole world.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of Galatians?
Thomas R. Schreiner
No compromise can be accepted or tolerated when it comes to the gospel, and all teachings and teachers must be evaluated and measured by the gospel revealed to us by Jesus Christ himself.
Greg Lanier on Taking the Gospel into the Empire (Season 2, Episode 9)
Nancy Guthrie
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Greg Lanier about the theme of the kingdom of God in the book of Acts and about the Greco-Roman and Jewish world behind the New Testament.
When Doubt Seeps In, Look to Thomas
Philip Graham Ryken
Sometimes it is hard for us to believe in life after death. The true Bible story that shows this perhaps most clearly is the story of “Doubting Thomas,” as he is usually called.
Tom Schreiner on Paul, the Apostolic Missionary in Acts (Season 2, Episode 8)
Nancy Guthrie
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with Thomas Schreiner about the person and work of Paul, particularly his theological foundations, his work as a missionary, and the many problems he faced.
Why Claim Total Depravity When People Do Good All the Time?
Jonathan Gibson
If you study the doctrine of total depravity on its own, you may be led to think that an unbeliever cannot do any good in society— and yet, that is incongruent with our own experience of unbelievers.
6 Times We See the Heart of Jesus in Action—and What It Means for Us
Dane Ortlund
What we see Jesus claim with his words in Matthew 11:29, we see him prove with his actions time and again in all four Gospels. What he is, he does. His life proves his heart.
4 Arguments from Scripture in Favor of Biblical Theology
Jon Nielson
The core conviction of those who practice the discipline of biblical theology is that the Bible is a unified work inspired by God and given to humans to help them understand his broad saving plan.
Take Your Doubts about God to God
Philip Graham Ryken
God always invites us to take our troubles straight to him. This is what godly people have done throughout history.
3 Convictions You Need to Have before You Teach the Bible
David R. Helm
If you’re just getting started teaching the Bible, this is the first thing I want to put in your mind: beginning preachers and teachers (and experienced ones too!) need confidence in God’s word.
Andrew Young on Power in Weakness in Acts (Season 2, Episode 7)
Nancy Guthrie
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with pastor Andrew Young about a framework for understanding both divine power and human weakness on display throughout the book of Acts.
Podcast: Robert Smith on Recording the Entire ESV Bible: “It Humbled Me”
Robert Smith discusses the unique characteristics of African American preaching and how that impacted his approach to reading and recording the entire Bible in just six weeks.
What Is the Difference between Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology?
Jon Nielson
The Bible doesn’t come to us as an academic textbook, with carefully delineated topical headings organized according to theological themes. What is different about these two ways of organizing theology?
6 Practical Steps to Help Grow Your Confidence in God’s Word
Philip Graham Ryken
Sometimes we have our doubts about the stories we read in the word of God, about its moral convictions and the promises it makes.
The Ethics of Jesus: What Do the Four Gospels Reveal?
Gregory Goswell,
Andreas J. Köstenberger
Within the overall ethical teaching of the Gospels, each Evangelist focuses on a particular aspect of Jesus’s ethical instruction.
Alan Thompson on Resurrection and the Hope of Israel (Season 2, Episode 6)
Nancy Guthrie
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with professor and author Alan Thompson about three aspects of Acts that are key to understanding the conflict at the heart of the book.
Does Psalm 91 Promise Too Much?
Christopher Ash
“In the whole collection there is not a more cheering Psalm,” wrote Charles Spurgeon of Psalm 91. But does it promise too much? Can it possibly be true?
Ben Gladd on the Use of the Old Testament in Acts (Season 2, Episode 5)
Nancy Guthrie
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with professor and author Ben Gladd about the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament—both direct quotations and more subtle allusions.
Richard Gaffin and Tommy Keene on Pentecost (Season 2, Episode 4)
Nancy Guthrie
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with professors Richard Gaffin and Thomas Keene about the book of Acts and primarily about Pentecost and its meaning for the early church and for us today.
Did Paul Endorse Slavery? (1 Timothy 6)
Denny Burk
Paul states that slaves should pursue their own freedom if at all possible, and he also forbids free Christians from becoming slaves.
Can Jesus Pray Prayers of Repentance?
Christopher Ash
If the Psalms give a window into the human emotions and affections of Jesus Christ, we must ask what we are to understand when the psalmists express repentance for sins.
What Is Distinct about the Theology of 2 Thessalonians?
Andrew Malone
Other numbered “sets” of New Testament letters exhibit distinct differences. Yet the two Thessalonian letters are customarily treated together. This is an indication of how closely the two letters track.
10 Key Bible Verses on Friendship
Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel. Do not forsake your friend and your father’s friend . . .
Fred Sanders on the Holy Spirit in Acts (Season 2, Episode 3)
Nancy Guthrie
Join Nancy Guthrie as she talks with theologian Fred Sanders about the person and work of the Holy Spirit and specifically about his descent and indwelling of believers in the book of Acts.
God’s Mission in Creation: Why Did He Make Us?
Justin A. Schell
God’s mission is to gather a people from all nations into a family, a family that would share in the very life of Father, Son, and Spirit. This is the purpose of both creation and redemption.