Video: Justin Taylor and Jonathan Dodson on "Gospel-Centered Discipleship"
The terms "disciple" and "gospel-centered" are thrown around often in Christian circles these days, but what do they really mean? Join Justin Taylor and Jonathan Dodson as they discuss Dodson's book Gospel-Centered Discipleship and discuss these oft-used terms.
- 0:10 – In an ideal world, if Gospel-Centered Discipleship accomplished exactly what you wanted it to accomplish, how would churches, disciple-makers and disciples look different?
- 2:31 – What does it mean to be a disciple?
- 5:08 – So many people are using the term “gospel-centered” that it can seem like a buzz word or a fad. Why did you choose to use this phrase in the title of your book?
- 7:44 – You talk about not only sharing your faith but also your failures. Looking back at the last ten years of discipling others, how has your disciple-making changed? What are the differences? Where did you drop the ball?
- 11:35 – How are “Fight Clubs” different from the typical accountability partner or accountability group?
- 14:50 – Justin Taylor: “I had a hard time putting the book down, and I hope other people not only pick it up but read it and then apply it.”
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