What Can I Do to Foster a Deep Hunger for Jesus?
Pray for Change
There are so many ways that we can foster a hunger for Jesus, but the most important and primary thing is to be praying for the Holy Spirit to change our hearts, because we're just fully dependent on the Spirit to bring that hunger and sanctify it.
A Hunger for More
Amy DiMarcangelo
This book invites readers to feast at the table of grace, where they will find God’s vast glory and his intimate care, his strength made perfect in weakness, and his gifts of joy and comfort to his children—that they “may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
The Holy Spirit's the one who's going to help us hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to hunger after God and to not seek satisfaction elsewhere. We're just dependent on that because we can read the Bible, do all the things, do our spiritual disciplines—which we should do and which are essential to growing our hunger for the Lord—but unless the Spirit changes our hearts and unless God is putting that hunger within us, our own efforts are going to be fruitless.
We are entirely dependent. And so, prayer reminds us of our dependence and positions us to be changed by the only one who can really change us.
Amy DiMarcangelo is the author of A Hunger for More: Finding Satisfaction in Jesus When the Good Life Doesn’t Fill You
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