10 Things You Should Know about C. S. Lewis
Lewis is a master of the soul. He understands the human heart, in all its deceitfulness and grandeur, both in its good design and in its twisted corruption.
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10 Things You Should Know about C. S. Lewis
Lewis is a master of the soul. He understands the human heart, in all its deceitfulness and grandeur, both in its good design and in its twisted corruption.
2 Little-Known Facts about C. S. Lewis
Readers of C. S. Lewis may be quite surprised to discover that the man behind the pen was a bit different than how he may be perceived through his writing.
4 Simple (Yet Profound) Things to Remember This Thanksgiving
The great privilege of man is to receive everything that God gives, and then to enjoy it and to enjoy him in it.
4 Ways Baseball Fuels Supernatural Joy
How does my natural joy in baseball become a supernatural joy in God? That’s the question Christian Hedonists ask.
7 Important Lessons about Masculinity
Godly leadership doesn’t give us the right to lord our authority over others; it means that it is our glory to die first.
Are Authority and Submission Inherently Flawed?
Lewis uses the Great Dance as a way of talking about the patterning, ordering, structuring, and interlocking of reality.
Are Christians Free to Enjoy the Things of Earth?
There are two dangers that we can fall into with the things of earth: idolatry and ingratitude.
Here’s the principle. Seeing courage spreads courage. Seeing boldness awakens boldness. Seeing fearlessness overcomes fear.
C. S. Lewis and the Beauty of Self-Forgetfulness
To become humble and self-forgetful is to become truly human so that we might truly know God. God wants to give us himself.
C.S. Lewis and the Role of the Physical Body in Prayer
Prayer, whether it is confession, supplication, thanksgiving, or adoration, always involves a surrender, an embracing of God’s ever-present presence.
Do Christians Fast Because Food and Drink Are Bad?
There are a number of things that God has given Christians as disciplines for our pilgrim condition in this world.
Don’t Neglect Worship to Enjoy the Earth
Our lives ought to be structured by regular rhythms of direct and indirect godwardness, moving back and forth between direct interaction with God himself and active engagement with the world.
Earthly Categories for Spiritual Things
General revelation works both directly and indirectly. It works directly by creating categories in our minds and hearts for knowing God. This is direct because we move straight from the made thing to God himself.
Doing good and being rich in good works and being generous and ready to share aren’t just about money.
What am I going to do with the things of earth?
Is There a Difference between Courage and Christian Courage?
Jesus is better. And that enables me to face the danger, the hardship, and the fear of death that’s in front of me, because Christ is gain.
The Beauty of God’s Hierarchical World
Lewis insists on something that is radically out of step with the modern world.
The Fundamental Decision We All Must Face
You can either put God at the center of the universe in your heart or you can put yourself or something else there.
The Greatest Danger That Any Human Being Faces
For sinners, God is the supreme terror, and when we rightly understand our situation, we are right to fear.
The Greatest Example of Courage in the Bible
It was joy that animated Jesus in the face of hardship, and therefore, he is the greatest example of courage.
What’s underneath cowardice? How does the Bible describe what’s underneath that cowardly demeanor? The answer is unbelief. We don’t believe that God can do it.
What C. S. Lewis Believed about Hell
When the wrath of God is poured out, God gives us over to our desires and we become less and less human.
The fact that you have a cesspool of sin down in your heart doesn’t mean you should camp down there because that’s precisely what God is trying to lead you out of.