How Suffering Reveals Your True Self
When the thing you have been trusting is laid to waste, you don’t suffer just the loss of that thing; you also suffer the loss of the identity and security that it provided.
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How Suffering Reveals Your True Self
When the thing you have been trusting is laid to waste, you don’t suffer just the loss of that thing; you also suffer the loss of the identity and security that it provided.
10 Things You Should Know about Sex
God created and has good purposes for sex in the context of marriage, and we don't always view it rightly.
People are susceptible to believing all sorts of misconceptions about the purposes and practices of marriage.
4 Reasons for Hope in Suffering
In our suffering God is at work to give us something much better than what we want.
3 Reasons Jesus Is Our Only Hope
The Advent story is a hope story because it chronicles the coming to earth of the One who is hope, Jesus.
5 Ways the COVID-19 Pandemic Points Us to the Gospel
When we are weary and distraught, we have a place to go. Jesus welcomes us to come to him and cast our cares on him.
Your marriage is shaped by your commitment to say no. Your parenting is shaped by your willingness to say no. Your friendships are shaped by how often you say no.
6 Daily Commitments to Make for a Good Marriage
You can have a marriage that is mutually satisfying while being honoring to God. You really can!
2 Reasons Bully Pastors Rise Up in the Church
The church is experiencing a leadership crisis. Two key elements contribute to this crisis.
Christian Sufferer, Your Lord Is Near
I can’t think of anything that is more powerfully comforting than these words: I will never leave you or forsake you.
We come into this world as a danger to ourselves. We are naturally more discontented than contented.
10 Things You Should Know about Marriage
Your marriage's biggest problem is not the imperfection of your spouse. No, it is what lurks in the recesses of your heart. Your biggest struggle is with your own selfishness.
8 Ways We Normalize the Abnormal
God has made it clear that the norm for his children should be love. It is the thing that the listening and watching world should know us for.
How to Pray When You’re Fighting with Your Spouse
Every marriage is guided by a set of habits. The question is, are they healthy habits that result in a God-honoring and joyful marriage?
A Message to the Christian Battling Sexual Sin
We can't blame our environment for our struggles. The root of our wrong thinking about sex is not cultural, it's our own hearts.
10 Things You Should Know about Money
Money is an accurate window on what is truly important to us.
We May Be Confused, but God Isn’t
As much as we try to make sense of our lives, there are things that we simply aren’t able to understand.
What Did Jesus Teach about Money?
We keep telling ourselves that the next thing will be what satisfies us, but it never does.
You need to understand that there are two parts of the Christmas story, and you need both parts to make proper sense out of the whole story.
How to Pray When You’re Tempted by Sexual Sin
Sexual sin is a matter of the heart. When it comes to sex, we all need to say that the biggest problem in our sexual lives is us.
The Best Parenting Passage in the Entire Bible
Our children must learn to look at life through the lens of the will and plan of their Creator—to develop a comprehensive biblical worldview that is distinctively God-centered and biblically driven.
Money can’t buy you a satisfied heart, money can’t buy you peace and happiness, and money can’t buy you a reason to get up in the morning.
A Good Marriage Needs These 2 Things
The key character quality in a good and lasting marriage is humility, and the way that humility demonstrates itself is when I'm approachable and willing to admit my faults.
Scripture tells us that sin is deceitful. We are often deceived into believing two lies, as we step outside of God’s boundaries and do what he has forbidden.
7 Questions That Teens Need to Answer
Teenagers are in one of the most exciting and most important times of their lives. Paul Tripp points to seven questions they will face that will influence the shape and direction of the rest of their lives.
The topic of money can be tricky for Christians to navigate. What does the Bible say about it and how ought we to use it to honor God?
How Is Love of Money a Root of Evil?
The root system of the love of money runs deeper and wider through the soil of the human heart than we tend to think.
4 Things Dads Should Teach Their Kids about Money
Your kids need more than practical tips for managing their money. They need theology.
Is Your View of Women Aligned with Your Theology?
A body of Christ is healthiest when women are esteemed and their gifts highly valued, not just in the home but also in the church.
Rest in God’s Faithfulness, Not Yours
God not only forgives your sins and guarantees you a seat in eternity, but welcomes you to a radically new way of living.