Podcast: Distinguishing Christmas Tradition from Truth (Andreas Köstenberger)
Andreas Köstenberger explores how to distinguish fact from fiction when it comes to the Christmas story, discussing the real date of Jesus's birth, the wise men and the star, and key Old Testament prophecies and allusions surrounding the incarnation.
Podcast: Navigating Grief during the Holidays (Nancy Guthrie)
Nancy Guthrie discusses dealing with grief over the holidays and how God used suffering in her own life to teach her about his healing grace.
Podcast: What Is the Mark of the Beast? (Thomas Schreiner)
Thomas Schreiner reflects on the best way to approach Revelation when studying it for the first time, and explains what the mark of the beast is really all about.
Podcast: How to Do Family Worship During the Holidays (Don Whitney)
How can you help your family not lose sight of God and the gospel during the holidays and build in a rhythm of regularly worshiping him together?
Podcast: Complementarianism Is Not about Competency (John Piper)
John Piper discusses complementarianism, with both personal and practical implications, and how we should think about it in the #MeToo era.
Podcast: The Man behind Calvinism (Derek Thomas)
Derek Thomas discusses John Calvin's enduring legacy, reflecting on the importance of predestination in hius theology and describing what it would have been like to have Calvin as your pastor.
Podcast: Are Angels and Demons Still Active Today?
What does the Bible really teach about angels, demons, and Satan, and what have we implicitly adopted from culture?
Podcast: Is Evangelicalism out of Touch with Church History? (Gavin Ortlund)
Have Protestant Evangelicals lost our connection to church history? How can we embrace our heritage and appreciate how to learn from past Christians?
Podcast: What Do Protestant Evangelicals and Roman Catholics Disagree About? (Michael Reeves)
Michael Reeves discusses what the Protestant Reformation was really all about and whether or not is it still relevant today.
Podcast: Common Misconceptions about the Trinity (Fred Sanders)
Fred Sanders explains why the doctrine of the Trinity is essential to the gospel, highlights why Trinitarian analogies are of limited value, and responds to the charge that three-in-one is inherently illogical.
Podcast: Prayer as an Invitation, Not an Obligation (John Onwuchekwa)
In this episode, John Onwuchekwa discusses how prayer can deepen our relationship with God instead of being a source of guilt.
Podcast: C. S. Lewis on Truth, Beauty, and the Human Heart (Joe Rigney)
Joe Rigney explores the legacy of one of the most beloved Christian thinkers and writers of the 20th century.
Podcast: Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? (Dennis Johnson)
Dennis Johnson discusses Hebrews 6:4–6, one of the New Testament's most famous—and debated—warning passages.
Podcast: How to Intentionally Disciple Your Kids (Lindsey Carlson)
Lindsey Carlson discusses what it looks like for parents to thoughtfully disciple teenagers during a pivotal point in their lives.
Podcast: The Unlikely Legacy of Jonathan Edwards (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund looks back on the life and theology of famed pastor-theologian, Jonathan Edwards, gleaning wisdom that we can learn from him nearly 300 years later.
Podcast: God’s Sovereignty, Pastoral Burnout, and Racism (John Piper)
John Piper discusses God's sovereignty, pastoral burnout, and the sin of racism.
Podcast: Were the First Christians Socialists? (Greg Forster)
How should believers think about the global economy and what practical difference should our beliefs make in the way that we spend and live?
Podcast: How Reliable Is the New Testament? (Peter Williams)
Peter Williams, author of Can We Trust the Gospels? answers a crucial question: can we really trust the New Testament Gospels?
Podcast: The Truth about Satan and Demons (Iain Duguid)
What does the Bible really teaches us about the devil and how can we avoid overestimating or underestimating his impact on the world?
Podcast: What It Takes to Persevere as a Pastor (John MacArthur)
Seasoned pastor, John MacArthur, reflects on what it takes for a pastor to persevere through the challenges of a long and faithful ministry.
Podcast: The Heart of the Abortion Debate (Scott Klusendorf)
Scott Klusendorf discusses abortion and the current state of the pro-life movement, highlighting the biggest mistakes pro-life people make and responding to common pro-choice arguments.
Podcast: What We Often Get Wrong about Our Emotions (J. Alasdair Groves)
In this episode, Alasdair Groves discusses what the Bible teaches about our emotions and how Christians should think about and deal with the full range of them.
Podcast: Why Church History Matters (Justin Taylor)
Justin Taylor reflects on the immense importance of church history, highlighting why it’s important to make time for it alongside our study of the Bible.
Podcast: The Rewarding Risks of Church Membership (Thabiti Anyabwile)
Thabiti Anyabwile reflects on the value and benefits of local church membership, showing what the Bible really teaches about the idea of formal membership.
Podcast: The Surprising Power of Lament (Mark Vroegop)
Mark Vroegop shares his family’s story of loss and grief, recounting how God used that experience to introduce him to the biblical concept of lament.
Podcast: How to Date Your Wife (Justin Buzzard)
Justin Buzzard offers advice for husbands eager to love and serve their wives on a daily basis.
Podcast: A Trauma Surgeon’s Guide to Modern Medicine and the End of Life (Kathryn Butler, MD)
Kathryn Butler, MD shares from her experiences working as a trauma surgeon in an ICU and offers biblical wisdom for walking alongside loved ones at the end of life.
Podcast: Verses That Changed My Life (John Piper)
John Piper reflects on key verses that have had a huge impact on his life and helped him grasp the connection between our joy and God’s glory.
Podcast: The Gospel’s Global Advance (Tim Keesee)
Tim Keesee shares from his own experiences as a missions journalist about the reality of persecution and the best way to approach a short-term mission trip.
Podcast: Calvinism 101 (Kevin DeYoung)
What are the five points of Calvinism really about and how can we believe them, while maintaining gracious humility towards others who don't?