Full Audiobook: How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Reading? by Jeremy Kimble
Today, we are pleased to share the entire audio of How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Reading? by Jeremy M. Kimble on The Crossway Podcast.
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Full Audiobook: How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Reading? by Jeremy Kimble
Today, we are pleased to share the entire audio of How Can I Get More Out of My Bible Reading? by Jeremy M. Kimble on The Crossway Podcast.
Full Audiobook: The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
We are pleased to share the entire audio of The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung on The Crossway Podcast.
Full Audiobook: ‘The Expulsive Power of a New Affection’ by Thomas Chalmers
As a result of the fall, human feelings of love are often misplaced on the creation rather than the Creator. This classic work of the faith reorients our affections toward him.
Full Audiobook: ‘Why Should We Love the Local Church?’ by Dustin Benge
Today we’re pleased to share the full audio recording of Why Should We Love the Local Church? by Dustin Benge on The Crossway Podcast.
Help! I Can’t Find Someone to Disciple Me (Garrett Kell)
In this episode, Garrett Kell discusses why all Christians are called to be discipled and to disciple others.
In the Lord I Take Refuge: Daily Devotions through the Psalms with Dane Ortlund
Join author Dane C. Ortlund for a 30-episode journey as he reflects on the riches of the psalms.
Joel Beeke answers some of the most common—and most difficult—questions that Christians tend to have about salvation.
Podcast: 12 Key Tools for Bible Study (Lydia Brownback)
Lydia Brownback discusses 12 key tools for Bible study that all Christians can use—tools that will help us go deeper into the biblical text and understand the Bible’s life-giving message for ourselves.
Podcast: 12 Quick Questions about the Reliability of the Bible (Peter Williams)
Peter Williams answers tough questions about the reliability of the Bible, offering assurance to those who have ever felt like their trust in God's word has been shaken.
Podcast: 15 Questions about Reading and Understanding the Bible (Greg Gilbert)
Greg Gilbert answers common questions about reading the Bible such as: How do I get started with a consistent habit of Bible reading? When should I read it? How long? And what if I don’t understand something?
Podcast: 3 Church Fathers Every Pastor Should Be Reading (Coleman Ford)
Coleman Ford shares his thoughts on why so many evangelical pastors aren't familiar with the church fathers and how this lack of awareness can negatively impact their ministries.
Podcast: 5 Attributes of God We Too Often Neglect (Mark Jones)
How should we understand God in his fullness—both near to us as our Father and yet above and beyond us as our Creator?
Podcast: 5 Strange Stories in the Book of Acts (Nancy Guthrie)
Nancy Guthrie answers a series of questions about some of the amazing but at times confusing stories in the book of Acts.
Podcast: 6 Objections to Studying Theology That Don't Hold Up (Jon Nielson)
Jon Nielson addresses six common objections to studying theology that he's heard over the years as a pastor, including that it's too impractical, too confusing, and too divisive.
Podcast: 6 Practical Principles for Increasing Your Productivity (Ana Ávila)
Ana Ávila emphasizes that we each have just the right amount of time to do what God wants us to do, walking through several key productivity principles that will help us manage our time wisely.
Podcast: 8 Questions to Ask Every Time You Open Your Bible (Matthew Harmon)
Questions we should ask when studying the Bible to help us get at the true meaning of Scripture, and how to apply it to our lives today.
Podcast: A Better Way to Talk about the “Call to Ministry” (Bobby Jamieson)
Bobby Jamieson talks about his own path to church leadership, what role seminary played, and as well as what advice he'd give to those aspiring to be pastors.
Podcast: A Brief Look at One of the Shortest Books in the Bible (Matt Harmon)
Matt Harmon walks through the book of Jude to explain its meaning and relevance for God’s people today and explains how the key themes of this short, confusing letter apply to us.
Podcast: A Christian Perspective on Depression (Kathryn Butler, MD)
Kathryn Butler shares encouraging insights that offer hope for those who struggle with depression and help for those seeking to care for someone who does.
Podcast: A Christian Scientific Perspective on Evolution (Stephen Meyer)
Stephen Meyer discusses the controversial topic of theistic evolution and explains what the term does and doesn't mean.
Podcast: A Closer Look at One of the Most Famous Chapters of the Bible (David Gibson)
David Gibson unpacks the images in Psalm 23 that have become so familiar to us (maybe overfamiliar), showing us what it truly means when the psalm describes the Lord as our shepherd.
Podcast: A Few Things to Remember before You Vote (Jonathan Leeman)
How should my Christian beliefs impact how I vote? Is it okay to vote for the lesser of two evils? In this podcast, Jonathan Leeman offers his thoughts on all of these questions and more.
Podcast: A First Step toward Racial Reconciliation (Mark Vroegop)
How does the biblical practice of lament offer Christians from different backgrounds a common language for productive, God-honoring conversations about race?
Podcast: A Guide for Weary Pray-ers (Doug O’Donnell)
Doug O’Donnell discusses the new Daily Liturgy Devotional, sharing how he really wrote the book for himself first and foremost, and how it has impacted his devotional life recently.
Podcast: Am I Really Supposed to Forgive and Forget? (Erika Allen)
Erika Allen discusses the emotional challenge of forgiving someone who has sinned against us and thoughtfully answers questions about what is required for true forgiveness.
Podcast: An Attribute of Jesus That You’ve Probably Never Noticed (Peter Williams)
Peter Williams uses the famous story of the prodigal son to unpack how Jesus was a genius in the way that he taught during his earthly ministry.
Podcast: An Overlooked Problem of Atheism (Mitch Stokes)
Mitch Stokes talks about the many problems with an atheistic worldview—including logical holes that skeptics often prefer to ignore.
Podcast: Answering Common Questions about Mental Illness (David Murray)
David Murray responds to questions regarding anxiety, depression, and other forms of mental illness and also offers advice on differentiating between normal feelings of sadness and something more serious.
Podcast: Answering Hard Questions about Predestination and Free Will (Andy Naselli)
Andy Naselli answers a few of the most common questions about the doctrine of predestination, including what the Bible really says about it and what impact this teaching may have on the idea of free will.
Podcast: Answering Tough Questions about Raising Teenagers (Jon Nielson)
Jon Nielson discusses some of the most common questions that parents of teens often ask him as a pastor—questions about depression, sexuality, and when a teen should be allowed to get a phone.