A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Using Creeds and Confessions in Your Church
Chad Van Dixhoorn
Not long ago a friend asked what I’d say if I had thirty seconds with someone in an elevator and had to explain why I think Christian Confessions are so important. As you can see, I know what I’d say.
Don’t Neglect Worship to Enjoy the Earth
Joe Rigney
Our lives ought to be structured by regular rhythms of direct and indirect godwardness, moving back and forth between direct interaction with God himself and active engagement with the world.
14 Notable Quotes from Habits of Grace
“Habits of grace” are the God-designed channels through which his glorious grace flows—making them life-giving practices for all Christians.
Help! My Daily Worship Feels Stale
Jonathan Gibson
When we experience a time when our quiet time becomes stale, it’s easy to become discouraged, especially if we don’t know where to look for help. However, help is at hand in two ways.
Podcast: How to Lead God-Glorifying Worship (Bob Kauflin)
Bob Kauflin discusses his work as a songwriter and worship leader, reflecting on his process for writing songs for the church.
Podcast: The Most Important Thing Our Churches Have Forgotten to Do (Paul Miller)
Paul Miller deepens our understanding of prayer by highlighting why we need to pray with one another if we really want to experience the full blessing of prayer.
An Interview with Jeff Vanderstelt
Jeff Vanderstelt
This is an interview with Jeff Vanderstelt, lead teaching pastor at Doxa Church in Bellevue, Washington. He is the author of Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life.
Podcast: How to Wait for Christmas in an Age of Instant Gratification (Jonathan Gibson)
Johnny Gibson discusses what it looks like to truly prepare our hearts for Christmas and talks about how and why the Advent season is meant to be a season of waiting.
The Transition from Centripetal Worship to Centrifugal Worship
Continued from part 1 of Makoto Fujimura's chapel address at Crossway on January 21, 2011.
Podcast: How Old Creeds Speak to New Problems (Carl Trueman)
Carl Trueman explains how historic creeds and confessions of the church can help to shape God’s people living in a culture consumed with individualism and identity.
The Gospel in Worship: An Excerpt from 'Rhythms of Grace'
Designed to help Christians think more theologically about the nature of true biblical worship, Rhythms of Grace shows how the gospel is all about worship and worship is all about the gospel.
Podcast: The Gettys’ Favorite Christmas Hymns (Keith and Kristyn Getty)
Listen to the Gettys talk about their favorite Christmas hymns, and then listen to their performance of each one right here on The Crossway Podcast.
Podcast: How Jesus Is Both the Singer and the Subject of the Psalms (Christopher Ash)
Christopher Ash discusses how we should understand the psalms in light of Christ and what role they should play in our lives today, both personally and corporately in the church.