4 Ideas for Art Journaling with Your ESV Digital Scripture Journal

This article is part of the ESV Digital Scripture Journal series.
Get Creative
The ESV Digital Scripture Journal can be a great tool for art journaling on the digital tablet of your choice. Here are just a few ideas for how you might use this unique Bible edition to express your creativity and connect with God through Scripture.
1. Draw in the margins.
As you repeatedly read a verse or passage, pull out words or phrases that encourage or challenge you. Write them out artistically in the margins and add decoration around them as you pray and ask the Lord to help you put into practice what you learn from his Word.
2. Create a digital collage.
To help meditate on the passage you’re reading, duplicate the Notes Page included at the end of the PDF and insert the new page wherever you want within the pages of Bible text. Use the additional space to create digital collages with text and imagery from various sources.
3. Hand letter a verse or passage.
Whether in the margin or on a duplicated Notes Page, hand letter a passage, hymn, prayer, or quotation—adding your own color and decoration to help you meditate on its meaning and commit God’s Word to memory.
4. Make beautiful connections within the text of Scripture.
Link key people, themes, doctrines, or words together with artistic annotations within the biblical text itself. Think creatively about using artwork to help you better understand the message of Scripture by engaging with the very words of the Bible and reflecting on the flow of a given book or passage.
Find more tips, ideas, and tutorials at crossway.org/DigitalScriptureJournal.
NOTE: Use of this product requires a PDF reading/annotation app. Most tablet devices support PDF reading/annotation natively, but additional third-party apps may also be available. Some of the ideas referenced above may depend on features not supported by all apps.
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