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The Crisis Facing Our Pastors

Peter Orr

Of course, every Christian faces difficulty—Jesus called us to a life of carrying our crosses as we follow him. However, the challenges of those in pastoral ministry are often more acute.

The Cross is Christ’s Pulpit

Jonty Rhodes

The cross is not just about Christ’s priestly work; it also stands at the heart of his prophetic ministry. The cross preaches to us. The cross is Christ’s pulpit.

The Danger of Self-Care

Lydia Brownback

Self-care has become a thing. The trend got traction by appealing to necessity—you can’t care for others if you don’t first care for yourself.

The Day My Worst Nightmare Came True

Four years ago, Cameron Cole came face-to-face with his worst nightmare. The one thing that he hoped and prayed would never happen, did happen.

The Demise of the Deified Self

Jen Oshman

Truly, we are lost in a darkness of our own making, and we got here by dethroning God and enthroning ourselves. We’ve deified ourselves. And it’s led to our demise.