The Hollow Promise the Internet Makes to Lonely People
The web is preaching to our hearts that you can be anything and you can do anything, and you don’t have to accept the life of the world or the truth that God has put in your life.
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The Hollow Promise the Internet Makes to Lonely People
The web is preaching to our hearts that you can be anything and you can do anything, and you don’t have to accept the life of the world or the truth that God has put in your life.
4 Assumptions Made by Anyone Reciting a Creed
My conviction that creeds and confessions are a good and necessary part of healthy, biblical church life rests on a host of different arguments and convictions; but, at root, there are four basic presuppositions.
Why the Mission of the Church Is Spiritual and Not Political
The church is a spiritual institution, and its core of agreement builds upon truths that transcend the more ephemeral matters that concern politics.
Podcast: Should Our Churches Be Political? (Alan Strange)
Alan Strange discusses the doctrine of the spirituality of the church—a doctrine focused on clearly defining the church’s central mission and mandate.
Unpacking “Look inside Yourself”
Knowing who you are and being true to yourself has never been more important. They are seen as signs of good mental health and well-being and the keys to authentic living and true happiness.
Podcast: How Old Creeds Speak to New Problems (Carl Trueman)
Carl Trueman explains how historic creeds and confessions of the church can help to shape God’s people living in a culture consumed with individualism and identity.
How Consumerism Trains Us to Devalue the Past
What has consumerism got to do with rejection of the past? Consumerism is predicated on the idea that life can be fulfilling through acquiring something in the future that one does not have in the present.
6 Ways to Find (and Protect) the Time You Need to Read Books
Reading is a discipline, and all disciplines require self-discipline, and self-discipline is the one thing our sinful flesh will resist.
The Pros and Cons of Being Rich
“Wealth is wonderful and makes us wonderful.” That’s the message the media bombards us with every day. No wonder so many of us want to be rich.
10 Things You Should Know about American Criminal Justice
American founders understood that the power to criminally punish was enormous and the emotional outcry to solve a crime could lead authorities to run roughshod over the rights of the accused.
Podcast: Has Christianity Really Caused More Harm Than Good in the World? (Sharon James)
Sharon James makes the case that despite the many failings of many Christians over the centuries, Christianity has indeed been very good for the world.
Why Are Christians Told Not to Love the World? (1 John 2)
If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world— the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world.
Why Beauty Is a Problem without God
I think in a way, for somebody who has not yet surrendered to Jesus Christ, beauty is a problem because beauty is so evident in this world, and it awakens a desire for eternal things.
While our collective declaration of “New year, new me” is powerful on January 1, it loses steam quickly. The second Friday in January is known as Quitters Day because so many of us give up by then.
Why We Feel So Tired and Confused by What We See Online
The internet makes no distinction between what is relevant to us or what is not relevant to us, what is part of the life that we’re supposed to live or what doesn’t really matter.
When Did I Get a Right to Life?
Some say that just because we exist as human beings at the embryonic/fetal stage doesn’t mean we have the same rights, including a right to life, at every stage of life. How should we respond to this?
Podcast: How to Wait for Christmas in an Age of Instant Gratification (Jonathan Gibson)
Johnny Gibson discusses what it looks like to truly prepare our hearts for Christmas and talks about how and why the Advent season is meant to be a season of waiting.
Favorite Christmas Traditions from Crossway Kids’ Book Authors
Read what the authors of Crossway kids' books had to say about their favorite Christmas traditions, and perhaps even find inspiration to incorporate new traditions into your own celebrations this year.
A Trial Lawyer Answers the Most Searched Questions about the Criminal Justice System
Matt Martens is a trial lawyer in Washington, DC who has spent most of his career in criminal law. In this video, he offers clear and candid answers to some of the most searched questions about criminal justice.
Abortion advocates are correct that the Bible does not specifically mention abortion. But what’s the best explanation for its silence?
Before You Gather, Mourn Your Sin
In our avoidance of sadness, we often numb ourselves to death with entertainment. Perhaps what we’re running from is not just sadness; perhaps we’re running from ourselves.
Why I No Longer Support the Death Penalty
In law school, I was a full-throated supporter of the death penalty, but I have come to the view that, as currently practiced in the United States, the death penalty is unjust as the Bible defines justice.
What Does It Mean to Be Pro-Life?
A biblical Christian ethic is concerned with the whole life. But the organizational priorities of pro-life organizations are necessarily narrow.
Podcast: The Case for Abortion—and How to Refute It (Scott Klusendorf)
Scott Klusendorf offers pro-life training by actually making a compelling case for abortion so that he can teach us how to refute it through simple logic and reason.
The Sacraments Are a Christian’s Answer to Questions of Identity
Put differently, being in Christ is our primary identity as Christians. This is true because Jesus Christ, the Son of God incarnate, is the God-man
Being Constantly Online Has Changed Us More than We Think
When you ask, How could being on the internet so much be shaping us?, the real answer is, How could it not be shaping us?
We Forget Just Why We Live in a WEIRDER World
The rate of change in the last two centuries makes the past feel much further away than it actually is, which inclines us to fawn over the future, and either patronize the past or ignore it altogether.
3 Things That Must Change in the American Justice System
The American justice system has an accuracy problem. And this accuracy problem is a justice problem—a biblical justice problem.
Matt Martens sets forth a distinctly Christian vision of criminal justice, highlighting how the great commandment to love God and love our neighbor should inform our approach to both the victim and the accused.
Is “Mental Illness” a Helpful Label?
Labels can be helpful in beginning to describe or define what we are talking about, but labels can also cause difficulties.