7 Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Discipleship
As you get going in discipleship doing spiritual good to others, consider a couple of pitfalls you should avoid. The following list isn’t exhaustive, but hopefully it will help you approach the discipling task with wisdom.
Podcast: How Do I Disciple Others? (Garrett Kell)
Garrett Kell talks about what it looks like to disciple another Christian, addressing how age, knowledge, and other qualifications factor into a discipling relationship.
Why Did Paul Publicly Rebuke Peter? (Galatians 2)
Frank Thielman
This passage clearly teaches that this subtle but very common problem in the church is a serious distortion of the gospel and needs the corrective rebuke of the apostle Paul.
Podcast: The State of Women’s Ministry in the US (Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel)
Courtney Doctor and Joanna Kimbrel delve into the key questions and concerns that arise in women's ministry, touching on practical issues like how to get started and how to encourage discipleship.
Help! I Don’t Know If I’m Doing Enough for Christ
Amy DiMarcangelo
Following Jesus is costly. But, Jesus is a giver, not a taker. He calls us to die so that we can live.
Which Sins Are Feeding Your Sin of Lust?
David Powlison
In ministry to someone who struggles with sexual darkness, you may get the breakthrough in another screening room, in an area that neither of you had noticed or considered to be related.
Why Do Churches Need Deacons?
Juan R. Sanchez
The ministry of the deacons is an extension of the ministry of the elders to care for the flock of God.
5 Myths about Discipleship
Jonathan K. Dodson
There is not an uninfluenced day, hour, or minute in our lives. We are constantly discipled by the cultural, relational, and spiritual forces around us. Which discipling forces influence you the most?
2 Ways Our Motives Can Be Twisted in Discipleship
Jonathan K. Dodson
When Christians discuss any given topic, our aim should be to align our thoughts with God’s thoughts, not his thoughts with our thoughts.
Podcast: Overcoming Me-Centered Discipleship (Jonathan Dodson)
Jonathan Dodson talks about what a gospel-centered approach to discipleship entails, highlighting the importance of transparency for everyone involved.
Parents, Don’t Miss God’s Plan for the Mundane
Matt Chandler,
Adam Griffin
God is a personal God, and you have the chance to continually reintroduce your family to him while praising him for who he is and what he’s done.
Help! I Can’t Find Someone to Disciple Me (Garrett Kell)
In this episode, Garrett Kell discusses why all Christians are called to be discipled and to disciple others.
6 Questions about Finding a Mentor
J. Garrett Kell
We need mature believers to help us resist sin, grow in godly affection, and to persevere in faith.
How Discipleship Yields Restoration
Frank Thielman
The Acts of the Apostles is basically an account of how the Holy Spirit transforms the earliest followers of Jesus into the restored people of God, the beginnings of God’s new creation.
Meditate On and Mutter God’s Word
R. Kent Hughes
Slowly and prayerfully turning over Scripture engages the eyes, the ears, and the mouth, and drills through the granite to the heart—maximizing internalization and devotion.
Why You May Want to Take a Silent Retreat after Christmas
David Mathis
You may not know how badly you needed silence and solitude until you get to know them.
Give Them Jesus
Jeff Vanderstelt
It is God’s intent that every person who comes into a relationship with him through Jesus Christ eventually will grow up into maturity. And maturity looks like Jesus.
Growing a Disability-Effective Church
Michael S. Beates
How can churches become equipped to be disability effective? By living transparently with weakness and allowing these weaknesses to issue forth in fruitful labor in Christ’s church.
7 Tips for Reading the Bible with Another Person
Drew Hunter
Reading the Bible, like eating a meal, isn’t only for individual consumption. Some of the greatest joys come when we enjoy God and his word together with others.
What Family Discipleship Is (and Is Not)
Matt Chandler,
Adam Griffin
Put simply, family discipleship is leading your home by doing whatever you can whenever you can to help your family become friends and followers of Jesus Christ.
A Family Worship Pep Talk
Matt Chandler,
Adam Griffin
When it comes to family discipleship, low-hanging fruit is everywhere. Family discipleship does not have to be intricate or complicated.
Podcast: Family Discipleship 101 (Adam Griffin)
What is family discipleship, and how can parents start discipling their kids?
What Family Worship Is (and Is Not)
Matt Chandler,
Adam Griffin
Put simply, family discipleship is leading your home by doing whatever you can whenever you can to help your family become friends and followers of Jesus Christ.
A Family Worship Pep Talk
Matt Chandler,
Adam Griffin
When it comes to family discipleship, low-hanging fruit is everywhere. Family discipleship does not have to be intricate or complicated.
Podcast: Family Discipleship 101 (Adam Griffin)
What is family discipleship, and how can parents start discipling their kids?
Podcast: Tips for Leading an Effective Bible Study (Lydia Brownback)
What does it look like to lead an effective Bible study? How can a leader keep the conversation on track and guide people to discover the treasures of God's Word?
Understanding Teen Anxiety and Depression
David Murray
One of the best things we can do for our teens is to explain to them that many teens suffer in the same way.
John Owen’s Ministry to Young Christians
Crawford Gribben
John Owen specialized in ministry to young people, though that’s not how he tends to be remembered.
3 Lies Women Believe about Serving
Melissa B. Kruger
It’s difficult to steward our time, talents, and treasure well in a world that invites us to self-satisfaction and self-fulfillment.
Why Mentoring Is Better than Asking Alexa
Melissa B. Kruger
In our digital age, it’s helpful to remember the importance of real-life relationships and the benefits of older believers in the faith who can offer us wisdom, presence, and pursuit.