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10 Key Bible Verses on Salvation

Because of Christ, believers are granted salvation from sin and the promise of eternal life. What hope we have in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!

What Is Needed to Be a Christian?

J. I. Packer

In order to make this commitment to Jesus, you need to know the essentials about who he is and what he has done for you. This is the Gospel (“good news”) of Jesus Christ.

God Will Forgive You

By trusting in Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf, you’ll never be held accountable for the guilt of your sin.

7 Questions about Conversion

Michael Lawrence

To be converted as a Christian is to have changed your thinking and your believing about Jesus Christ, and to be changed into a person who is no longer an enemy of God but a beloved child of God.

God, Our Mighty Fortress

Gloria Furman

As ordinary as our days may seem, the world we live in is precarious. The unknowns we live with can threaten to overwhelm our faith and even our very lives. Where can we look for hope and security?