Podcast: The Freeing Reality that You Are Not Enough (Jen Wilkin)
Jen Wilkin discusses God-given limits as created beings, reflecting on why the common refrain that we should look inside ourselves for meaning and purpose is so misguided.
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Podcast: The Freeing Reality that You Are Not Enough (Jen Wilkin)
Jen Wilkin discusses God-given limits as created beings, reflecting on why the common refrain that we should look inside ourselves for meaning and purpose is so misguided.
James Eglinton introduces us to Herman Bavinck, explains his role in the neo-Calvinist movement in the Netherlands, and reflects on advice that Bavinck might offer us if he were alive today.
Podcast: The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls (Matthew Barrett)
Matthew Barrett sheds light on the meaning of justification by faith alone, explaining why it’s so central to the Christian faith, and he explores why the book of James says that we’re not justified by faith alone.
Podcast: Snakes and Satan in the Story of Scripture (Andy Naselli)
Where do snakes and dragons appear in the story of Scripture and what part do they play in the history of Redemption?
Podcast: Q&A: A Bible Scholar Answers Your Questions about the Book of Revelation (Tom Schreiner)
New Testament scholar Tom Schreiner answers questions submitted by readers about the book of Revelation and surrounding topics.
Podcast: On Apologetics: The Best of ‘The Crossway Podcast’
We are pleased to offer a selection of some of the best moments related to apologetics from the podcast over the past four years.
Podcast: John Piper Answers Common Questions about the Second Coming (John Piper)
John Piper makes the case that although questions about the second coming are important, there's an even more fundamental question that we all must ask ourselves: Am I truly longing for Christ's return?
Podcast: How to Respond to Common Arguments against Christianity (William Lane Craig)
William Lane Craig discusses how to respond to common arguments against Christianity that we often hear but may not know how to respond to.
Podcast: How to Explain the Hypostatic Union to a Fifth Grader (Stephen Wellum)
Stephen Wellum explains where we see the hypostatic union taught in Scripture and highlights why all Christians would benefit from taking time to think carefully about Jesus being fully God and fully man.
Podcast: How the Sacraments Help Us Know Who We Truly Are (Kevin Emmert)
Kevin Emmert explains why the sacraments are so central to our lives as believers and why their shaping power is more relevant than ever in a world obsessed with identity and self-expression.
Podcast: How Should We Define the Gospel? (Greg Gilbert)
Greg Gilbert discusses why Christians so often struggle to clearly define a simple yet foundational concept: the gospel.
Podcast: How Does Life Change If God Is Actually My Friend? (Mike McKinley)
Mike McKinley talks about what it means for us as Christians to be friends of God, about the friendship that Jesus had on earth, and about what it looks like for us to lean into our friendship with God.
Podcast: Hope for Weak People—the Message of 2 Corinthians (Dane Ortlund)
Dane Ortlund walks through a number of key doctrines and themes found in the book of 2 Corinthians and discusses what Paul’s thorn in the flesh might have been.
Podcast: Hear What God Has Truly Done with Your Sin (Sam Storms)
Sam Storms talks about how God deals with our sin, once and for all.
Podcast: Have We Domesticated the Cross? (Jeremy Treat)
Jeremy Treat talks about how the doctrine of atonement is often misunderstood by believers and unbelievers alike and about the impact that it should make on our day to day lives as followers of Christ.
Podcast: Gracefully Dealing with Doctrinal Disagreement (Gavin Ortlund)
What should Christians do when they disagree over doctrine?
Podcast: God’s Sovereignty, Pastoral Burnout, and Racism (John Piper)
John Piper discusses God's sovereignty, pastoral burnout, and the sin of racism.
Podcast: Does It Matter What I Believe? (Samuel James)
Samuel James walks through a number of common misconceptions and fears that we often have when it comes to thinking about our theology, ultimately making the case that what you believe matters today and for eternity.
Podcast: Does God Choose Who Will Be Saved? (Robert Letham)
Robert Letham talks about predestination, God’s sovereignty, free will, how it all fits together, and how these doctrines are a great source of encouragement for the believer.
Podcast: Do Christians Need to Follow the Mosaic Law? (Frank Thielman)
What does the New Testament teach about how the Old Testament applies to Christians?
Podcast: C. S. Lewis on Truth, Beauty, and the Human Heart (Joe Rigney)
Joe Rigney explores the legacy of one of the most beloved Christian thinkers and writers of the 20th century.
Podcast: Covenant Theology 101 (Guy Waters)
How do we understand the biblical covenants, and how can they help us to read Scripture rightly?
Podcast: Common Misconceptions about the Trinity (Fred Sanders)
Fred Sanders explains why the doctrine of the Trinity is essential to the gospel, highlights why Trinitarian analogies are of limited value, and responds to the charge that three-in-one is inherently illogical.
Podcast: Common Misconceptions about Heaven (Ian Smith)
Ian Smith discusses what the New Heavens and New Earth will be like when Jesus returns.
Podcast: Can Christians Embrace God and Science? (Brad Sickler)
How can Christians embrace God and science? Must the two be separated?
Podcast: Can Affectionless Faith Be Genuine? (John Piper)
John Piper discusses how he came to saving faith in Jesus and how his view of that faith has changed over the years.
Podcast: Calvinism 101 (Kevin DeYoung)
What are the five points of Calvinism really about and how can we believe them, while maintaining gracious humility towards others who don't?
Podcast: Answering Hard Questions about Predestination and Free Will (Andy Naselli)
Andy Naselli answers a few of the most common questions about the doctrine of predestination, including what the Bible really says about it and what impact this teaching may have on the idea of free will.
Podcast: An Overlooked Problem of Atheism (Mitch Stokes)
Mitch Stokes talks about the many problems with an atheistic worldview—including logical holes that skeptics often prefer to ignore.
Podcast: An Attribute of Jesus That You’ve Probably Never Noticed (Peter Williams)
Peter Williams uses the famous story of the prodigal son to unpack how Jesus was a genius in the way that he taught during his earthly ministry.