Where Is God in My Loneliness?
When Loneliness Leaves You Alone
It's ironic, but loneliness accompanies us wherever we go. We might try to ignore it, turning on the TV, going for a night out, or, even more drastically, changing jobs, cities, friends, or spouses. But in the morning, there it is again. Loneliness can feel terrible.
Yet we can't escape the fact that it was God himself who put Adam in the Garden all alone. God allowed it so we would yearn for companionship. He allowed it so we could see that we need other people. We were designed for connectedness.
Finding God in My Loneliness
Lydia Brownback
Lydia Brownback offers biblical encouragement for women to help them see how God can redeem seasons of loneliness and draw them to the only true and lasting remedy: union with Jesus.
But loneliness has an even greater purpose. More than an undesirable stow away, it is a guide that points to the only one who can fully fill that need to be understood and intimately loved. Loneliness is a shadow that guides us to his light.
It is only in his company that loneliness leaves us alone.
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